Hi everyone,
Hope you're all ok. I'm sorry I haven't been around - I've had so much going on! Had a bit of a skim read, but don't know where to begin with replying to everything, so perhaps I should just start from here, lol. A warm welcome to Jenna
I don't even know where to start! Mum is out of hospital now, had her stitches out, is up and about and doing well *phew*

thank you to everyone for your support on that day - I had a big old cry in the office and was able to leave early to go and see her (I can't remember whether I'd already told you that part - it's been so long!). Since that day (23rd Oct), I haven't been on plan - ooooops :/
Haven't been to the gym in 2 and a half weeks either - I feel like a right little porker! Haha. Seriously need to get a grip on it now - I was so close to being back in the 9's! I'm going to be writing some food plans in the next few days with the aim of starting again on Sunday (that was my WI day). I reckon I've probably put on about 6lbs.
THE WEDDING IS OFF! Hehe, it's not that dramatic. We're having to postpone our plans for a little while as I'm having to take my vindictive, scheming ex to court - oh joy! I'm absolutely terrified about it, but if it means that the whole sorry mess is over then I'll be glad to go through it all. This has been going on for almost 2 years now and I've had enough! Negotiations haven't made any bit of difference, so he will be served with court papers and a notice of severage
I've been feeling mega down recently and I'm convinced that it's my diet! My water intake is down, chocolate intake is up (well - everything intake is up lol) and I feel so rubbish. You know that first step you all took when you decided to start exercising? The point where you're so tired and can't possibly see how exercise can help? I'm at that stage right now. I need to bite the bullet and get back into the gym.
Hoping to be around a lot more now and stop being such a flake. Mmmmmmmm, Flake!