Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Day four of jillian complete. On the second last circuit when I am usually dying I couldn't believe it was finished. Now I am worried I wasn't doing it right ha ha
Much prefer tryin to do it before dinner as I find it easier to do as opposed to waiting til after dinner etc etc
You sound exactly like end up thinking why did I eat such and such even though in any reasonable diet it's a perfectly healthy thing to have. It's like you take the rules of SW and make them what you think they should be...then can't live up to that standard? (That made sense tome, not sure it will to others)
I'm really not chick...I haven't had a full week on plan in ages. Driving me mad.
You feeling any better about crispgate? Hope's done now, can't change it and if we're honest..even people who have always been slim have a packet of crisps every now and then. We need to chill (easier said than done)Also, well done on continuing with Jillian...mental biatch that she is lol!
your not alone Jenna, Im getting better though and trying not to stress but I still have my moments (which you ladies are usually unlucky enough to witness)

gah-men are so unfair, ive been told we dont need any new christmas decorations this year (i know we dont NEED them, my point is more we WANT them) but he's recently told some friends they can have our spare xmas tree, which i dont mind but it would have been nice if id been asked first.. but hes also just now asked if they need decorations for it as well! they said they needed to buy a tree which is why he offered ours but to actually just ask if they want our decorations as well!? i mentioned it to him and he was like yeah the red stuff (our colour scheme is blue and green now) but thats not the point, we never know when we'll want to use the red stuff and might want it in another room or just fancy using it one year for a change... plus theyre mine from before we got together again why not ask before giving them away. i might start giving his gaming stuff away because he doesnt use it anymore.

well im glad my sister held off on shopping until tomorrow now because now im on the look out for new decorations
You NEVER have enough Christmas decorations <3

It's so frustrating, who new losing weight could leave you so up and down? Earlier on today I felt fab, now I'm lying here feeling like poop lol! Mental. Think it may be hormones playing up too but it's bloody frustrating.

My plans for tomorrow are go and grab granny a nice bunch of flowers in the morning then visit her (it's her birthday), then it's lunch with a friend (baked potato-standard) and then chilling with mum for the rest of the day...well until the New Look sale starts! I need a new winter coat...the one I wear at the minute is a size 16...I could fit 2 of me in it now...slight exaggeration but you catch my drift
Yeah it is weird, but when I look back at me at my biggest I was always down so at least now I've lost the weight I do have my ups... also I'm starting to really try and kick ass with the down moments as they can get lost... I'm not going to let myself worry about things.

Sounds like a good day, hope your Granny has a nice Birthday, its my nanna's Birthday on Saturday, going to wrap her present and write on her card and then leave it in the car as not sure what time we'll finish in Leeds. Are new look having a sale tomorrow? What size are you in now, from your photo's I'd guess a size 16 would actually drown you, so you need a new one if only for health reasons ;)

I'm still waiting for BHS to have 20 or 30% off all gifts so I can buy loads of the walkers tins of biscuits as I think other then chocolate for my nephews and niece that's all I need to get for people other then little one
Is anyone else on an iPhone and can u access ppls photos? I really love looking at ppls before and after photos on their profiles
Ha ha Yes Jen am over the crisps. I enjoyed them but stupid guilt feelings creep in.
Sounds like a good day for you and Donna out shopping. I got some stuff from Tesco last night for little one. Love a bargain
So I weighed myself tonight with my socks on, my vest and bra and I am exact same weight I was this morning? Surely not....I thought your weight would change from morn to night? Very confused.
Maybe I should nip down and do it in just my pants like this morn or is that obsessive ha
debtin said:
Ha ha Yes Jen am over the crisps. I enjoyed them but stupid guilt feelings creep in.
Sounds like a good day for you and Donna out shopping. I got some stuff from Tesco last night for little one. Love a bargain
So I weighed myself tonight with my socks on, my vest and bra and I am exact same weight I was this morning? Surely not....I thought your weight would change from morn to night? Very confused.
Maybe I should nip down and do it in just my pants like this morn or is that obsessive ha

Are they Bridget Jones scary holdy in pants coz they would weigh a pound lol!

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kim63 said:
Are they Bridget Jones scary holdy in pants coz they would weigh a pound lol!

Sent from my GT-I9100 using MiniMins

Ha no. Can't be bothered now as its too cold to strip down...god bet it bugs me now and will end up on scales in the scud eeeekkk ha
debtin said:
Ha no. Can't be bothered now as its too cold to strip down...god bet it bugs me now and will end up on scales in the scud eeeekkk ha

I always WI in the nuddie !

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Seriously....went back down and stripped to pants, don't ask why didn't just take off BUT I now weigh 8st 8.75!!! Glad I went now ha ha how strange tho that I weigh lighter tonight after eating all day than I did this morn?
Yay, glad it's down, Deb...and I have to admit I chuckled at you going back without the pants haha!

Donna, sounds like you're very organised. I've still a few people I need to start ugh. I'm in a size 10 now but I reckon I could probably squeeze myself in to an 8 on the bottoms...will see tomorrow when I go shopping. Mum's agreed to come with me as the idea of buying something like a coat without someone elses opinion scares the life out of me.

I am wiiiide awake right now, oh this is going to be a long a$$ night, tis my own fault...I fell asleep earlier thinking I could sleep right through, WRONG. Very, very wrong.
Yay, glad it's down, Deb...and I have to admit I chuckled at you going back without the pants haha!

Donna, sounds like you're very organised. I've still a few people I need to start ugh. I'm in a size 10 now but I reckon I could probably squeeze myself in to an 8 on the bottoms...will see tomorrow when I go shopping. Mum's agreed to come with me as the idea of buying something like a coat without someone elses opinion scares the life out of me.

I am wiiiide awake right now, oh this is going to be a long a$$ night, tis my own fault...I fell asleep earlier thinking I could sleep right through, WRONG. Very, very wrong.

When getting coats (especially from New Look) don't get upset if you need a 12, I'm an 8 but when I bought my coat from new look the 10 looked way better (I don't know if its because we wear jumpers under them or what) I'm glad I had my boyfriend with me as I would have bought the 8 just out of principle lol, but I love my coat now. My little one calls it my doctor coat as apparently it looks like one dr who wears (I don't see it but little one and boyfriend are convinced)

Wow just had pancakes and berries for breakfast and I'm stuffed, I don't understand when people say they get hungry on red days, I always eat massive meals and have plenty of snacks planned. We could do with some crab sticks though, as don't think I can have the ham that we have in (he bought cheap waffer thin, which is usually okay as I very rarely have ham, but its a pain when I decide I do want something like an omelette) might send the boyfriend to tesco's as we could do with more eggs too.
And as for being super organised, I hate rushing around closer to Christmas so I rush around now like an idiot instead and try to get everyone sorted before December so that in December all my money is either for me or for extra treats which I didn't have to buy people. I've managed to pass my thing onto my boyfriend as well, which is great he'd drive me mad if he tried holding off until closer to Christmas
Aw yeh I imagined I would need a bigger coat, though I can guarantee I'll huff and puff about it haha! I'm the same, I hate the December rush, I went to our local shopping centre on Sunday there and it was pandemonium already so god knows what it'll be like in December. No thanks!
Hope you enjoy your day shopping...remember, you can never have too many Xmas decorations hehe!
It's silly isn't it, we know we need bigger coats but we still get in a huff about it lol.

I'm hoping we'll have a nice time, going to spend a fortune though I can feel it haha. I can't wait to get his big present sorted though just so I know I have it, but I'm thinking I might treat myself to some more running gear as well and possibly some perfume as I'm running out (yeah I know the point wasn't treating myself but if I need them I need them :p) I've got my eyes on some new lights for the window's
Morning ladies. So weighed AGAIN and scales showed 8st 8.75, then 8st 7.5, then 8st 8.5
Gettin bit annoyed as it was all within few seconds of each one. Regardless tho I am still heavier than last Friday. Looking set for a gain two weeks in a row.
Jen i see your scales have went down...yippeeee well done. I think my last coat from new look was a ten. It's not very roomy as It's fake fur but cos I will only wear with something light underneath I can get away with it...any other jacket would prob be up one size. I am not too fussed with sizes, ok sometimes I am, but I think if it looks good then that's what matters. Clothes sizes too vague

Happy shopping Donna, we could be doing with new decorations but am not very creative so unsure where to start ha
Morning ladies. So weighed AGAIN and scales showed 8st 8.75, then 8st 7.5, then 8st 8.5
Gettin bit annoyed as it was all within few seconds of each one. Regardless tho I am still heavier than last Friday. Looking set for a gain two weeks in a row.
Jen i see your scales have went down...yippeeee well done. I think my last coat from new look was a ten. It's not very roomy as It's fake fur but cos I will only wear with something light underneath I can get away with it...any other jacket would prob be up one size. I am not too fussed with sizes, ok sometimes I am, but I think if it looks good then that's what matters. Clothes sizes too vague

Happy shopping Donna, we could be doing with new decorations but am not very creative so unsure where to start ha

It's so annoying when scales can't decide how much you weigh. Do you think you need a new set or is it where you have them. My sister was saying she goes up about half a stone depending on where the scales are in her kitchen.

Have to agree about the sizes, they annoy me, I love asda at times though because their clothes are massive so I'm either a 6 or in the kids section.... but then sometimes its annoying if I like something in the adults section as they don't have many 6's in.

I love buying decorations but my problem is I could buy them all. I want some of the glittery reindeer but my boyfriend doesn't like them. We have a great reindeer light that goes outside (was free as boyfriends mum gave it to us) I love that. I also love the yankee candle Christmas bits, I would def buy some of them today but I don't think anywhere where we're going has them :( think I'll have to hassle him when we're shopping or see if they have them when we go to Castleton (more likely to buy stuff if we're on holiday haha)