Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I think I need to remember that when I get a gain or maintain when I wanted a loss Kim, I get so down about it, but I've never been as slim as I am now and that's all thanks to slimming world, also if I hadn't joined slimming world I would still be overweight and more so then I was before and I was so miserable before I can't imagine how I'd feel almost 2 years later and bigger. We've all done well and need to remember that at times and congratulate ourselves instead of getting down about the scales
Well afternoon has been cancelled :( we're going to go tomorrow instead, she just called to say she forgot she had a course on today.
Now I'm stuck with the dilemma, do I have cheese beans and tuna on a jacket for lunch or stick with what I'd planned for going out... tuna pasta with no cheese, so I can have apple and cheese later as a snack.... oooo what to do lol.

Try not to worry Deb, our bodies are weird things and if your on plan and exercising it will eventually pay off.

I'm going to try a couple of things this week to see if I can help with a loss (although with me going to the Christmas market this week it might not be the best week to start but oh well) going to try drinking more and also going back on the green tea with lemon... I have a few lemons in still so sat with my cup now :) also last week I had 2 ryvita as a HEX a few times, you can have 2 or 4 and I thought because they say you can have two or four I'd be okay with just 2 as with what I've been having them with I would have struggled to have 4, so this week if I have ryvita I'll either have 2 later on with something else to make it 4 or have a hifi light as well.... I know it sounds silly eating more to loose but it worked for me in the past

When we get stuck in a rut & plateau, the only thing to do is change things & our eating habits. If you stick to the same sort of things, your system can get used to it & after reading from some experienced SWers on various threads, thats what they advice......mix it up. I know you said it was difficult to do Red days, but cant you cook the same for your family & then omit whatever carb they have & add some more veg?
Eg.....if I cook a curry/chili, I'll omit the rice & just have a bigger bowl. You could always cook with Quorn mince & save some calories as well. Quorn mince chili is even easier to bulk out with SF as you can add all sorts of beans/veg x
I think I need to remember that when I get a gain or maintain when I wanted a loss Kim, I get so down about it, but I've never been as slim as I am now and that's all thanks to slimming world, also if I hadn't joined slimming world I would still be overweight and more so then I was before and I was so miserable before I can't imagine how I'd feel almost 2 years later and bigger. We've all done well and need to remember that at times and congratulate ourselves instead of getting down about the scales

Hallaluja you remember your own advice when you get fed up with a STS! x
Donna, have just had a look at your stats & your BMI is 2 lower than mine & my DH says Im tiny, so you must be even tinier!
When we get stuck in a rut & plateau, the only thing to do is change things & our eating habits. If you stick to the same sort of things, your system can get used to it & after reading from some experienced SWers on various threads, thats what they advice......mix it up. I know you said it was difficult to do Red days, but cant you cook the same for your family & then omit whatever carb they have & add some more veg?
Eg.....if I cook a curry/chili, I'll omit the rice & just have a bigger bowl. You could always cook with Quorn mince & save some calories as well. Quorn mince chili is even easier to bulk out with SF as you can add all sorts of beans/veg x

I cook with quorn mince all the time unless we're doing burgers.... but then I make it a green day as I begrudge doing ee or red if I'm not eating meat (I know that's a little silly but its in my head) That's what I usually do with red days, I'll make something like chicken wrapped in bacon and my boyfriend will have potatoes but I'll just have loads of veg. Usually when we do curries my boyfriend cooks as he really likes doing them... but I could ask him to just do rice for him and do me a omelette to go with it.
We've been eating a lot of pasta lately and that's something if we're having it I can't really change for something else as it'll be like a pasta bake or lasagne.
I can't ask my mum to do the omelette instead of rice or pots as she'd freak (She's back in that mood where I have to pretend I'm not trying to loose anymore)
I think I'm going to have to accept I'm not going to loose much before Christmas now as well as we have so many plans coming up to Christmas, but I'll just stick to plan where I can and do my best, if I do see the 8 stone 12 on the scales that's great, but if not its not the end of the world, I am happy where I am, I would do blind WI's again, but I would worry I was gaining instead. Hopefully after Christmas I'll have no issues loosing as I'll have gained so much I'll have more to loose again :p

Hallaluja you remember your own advice when you get fed up with a STS! x

I'm not going to moan again and if I do then tell me off, if between now and Christmas I either loose or maintain I will be happy. I'm happy where I am now, I'm in a good place, I look better then I ever have, yeah I've lost my boobs but they just get in the way anyway, I still have a big bum but I quite like it lol and I'm doing great with my running, which is something I never thought I'd be able to do. I was told last night I'm a natural at it, which is crazy if I was told that 3 months ago never mind a year or so ago I would have laughed
Donna, have just had a look at your stats & your BMI is 2 lower than mine & my DH says Im tiny, so you must be even tinier!

I don't see it in myself, but I suppose we never do. My boyfriend has said I'm tiny before, but I always think its just something he says (plus I am tiny compared to what I was before) One of the ladies I used to volunteer with said I was tiny, to be honest she was horrified when I said I was thinking of loosing another half stone as she said I'd disappear, but to me 7lbs is nothing (not to loose, its a lot to loose but I don't think it makes much difference looks wise) but then saying that it did make a big difference between my 9 stone and 9 and a half stone... and I wouldn't want to loose my bum... as like I've said before I do like it, okay I'm rambling now I'm going to stop...
Very wise ladies on here. I know its all relevant but I think I need to have a shot at doing sw properly now. Will give it one more week of eating healthy and excercise to see how I go. I don't feel big or anything so not going to fret....honest lol
Good luck today Kim x
I cook with quorn mince all the time unless we're doing burgers.... but then I make it a green day as I begrudge doing ee or red if I'm not eating meat (I know that's a little silly but its in my head) That's what I usually do with red days, I'll make something like chicken wrapped in bacon and my boyfriend will have potatoes but I'll just have loads of veg. Usually when we do curries my boyfriend cooks as he really likes doing them... but I could ask him to just do rice for him and do me a omelette to go with it.
We've been eating a lot of pasta lately and that's something if we're having it I can't really change for something else as it'll be like a pasta bake or lasagne.
I can't ask my mum to do the omelette instead of rice or pots as she'd freak (She's back in that mood where I have to pretend I'm not trying to loose anymore)
I think I'm going to have to accept I'm not going to loose much before Christmas now as well as we have so many plans coming up to Christmas, but I'll just stick to plan where I can and do my best, if I do see the 8 stone 12 on the scales that's great, but if not its not the end of the world, I am happy where I am, I would do blind WI's again, but I would worry I was gaining instead. Hopefully after Christmas I'll have no issues loosing as I'll have gained so much I'll have more to loose again :p

I'm not going to moan again and if I do then tell me off, if between now and Christmas I either loose or maintain I will be happy. I'm happy where I am now, I'm in a good place, I look better then I ever have, yeah I've lost my boobs but they just get in the way anyway, I still have a big bum but I quite like it lol and I'm doing great with my running, which is something I never thought I'd be able to do. I was told last night I'm a natural at it, which is crazy if I was told that 3 months ago never mind a year or so ago I would have laughed

AT LAST :wow: :happy036::0clapper:
Very wise ladies on here. I know its all relevant but I think I need to have a shot at doing sw properly now. Will give it one more week of eating healthy and excercise to see how I go. I don't feel big or anything so not going to fret....honest lol
Good luck today Kim x

If you do Deb, we'l be here with the support & it is the best! x
Very wise ladies on here. I know its all relevant but I think I need to have a shot at doing sw properly now. Will give it one more week of eating healthy and excercise to see how I go. I don't feel big or anything so not going to fret....honest lol
Good luck today Kim x

Do whatevers best for you, you'll know when its right for you to start again

:scale::scale: heehee, have just found these little scale hopper 'smilies'.......we need these daily lol!

Haha I love finding new smilies,
Morning :)

Sneaks back in to say hi
I've not been far just busy not been 100% at all sorry everyone but haven't been too bad neither ;-)
I've decided along with hubby's nagging that I need to exercise for a few reasons
1. Tone up
2. Help my moods
3. Eat less
4. Good example to my girlies
I'm sure there are a few more that I should add :) but I want you all to remind me of this post and keep me motivated please

Well I started writing this post at 8 this morning and just got 5 mins while waiting for an eye check so thought I'd better post it and tell you all I did day 1 of the shred this morning felt good and not too hard although I can feel it in my knees :-( going to try and do it 3-4 times a week. I do think that doing it every day is too much and that's then why I give up

Hope you are all ok and still all on track going try and read back and catch up with you all :)
Keep smiling :)
Morning :)

Sneaks back in to say hi
I've not been far just busy not been 100% at all sorry everyone but haven't been too bad neither ;-)
I've decided along with hubby's nagging that I need to exercise for a few reasons
1. Tone up
2. Help my moods
3. Eat less
4. Good example to my girlies
I'm sure there are a few more that I should add :) but I want you all to remind me of this post and keep me motivated please

Well I started writing this post at 8 this morning and just got 5 mins while waiting for an eye check so thought I'd better post it and tell you all I did day 1 of the shred this morning felt good and not too hard although I can feel it in my knees :-( going to try and do it 3-4 times a week. I do think that doing it every day is too much and that's then why I give up

Hope you are all ok and still all on track going try and read back and catch up with you all :)
Keep smiling :)

Hello stranger!

Yes, exercise is the key & soooooo good for a happy mood, toning, weight loss coupled with SW, ......the list goes on!
How's the weight loss going as last we saw of you, you'd put on a teeny half a pound?
We're doing a daily experiment of weighing ourselves!!! Can you believe I suggested it, as Im always berating the girls for doing it & as you know Im scared of the scales lol! Im doing it out of pure curiousity to see how your weight fluctuates daily, but am actually enjoying the experience lol!!!
Hope you're back in the fold again Ronnie x
Hi and welcome back :)

Haha Kim I can't see u ever keeping away from the scales now lol
Hope your well Ronnie, good to see you back :)

I think your right on the shred, it is too much to do it daily, I keep meaning to get it back into my routine a few days a week, but think I need to sort this job out before I start doing more exercise as I'll struggle to keep up with what I do at the moment never mind adding extra in already. But I could try doing it after the crosstrainer some days maybe... it all depends on time doesn't it, always seem so busy (yes I'm saying that while I'm sat here on the computer, but I'll have a lot less time if I start working full time... although it still hasn't been advertised :(
kim63 said:
I think you might be right!

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Can't decide if I like doing it or not.

Welcome back Ronnie. I will be doin day 4 of shred tonight. I tend miss a night but if I feel up to it I will do it two nights in a row. Have been rather sore doing it but feel good afterwards x
Welcome back, Lynica...I've jumped in on this thread in your absence...I'm Jenna (not that you could have guessed that hahah)

Just back from the gym ladies, glad I went as was feeling like $hit this morning due to * week grrr but at least I've done it so can't put any lack of loss this week down to laziness.
Also just had lunch, why the hell must 60g wholemeal rolls be so small? I feel like I've been robbed of my HEB lol!
Haha Jenna I always think that with whole meal rolls! I always cut it in half and have like open sandwiches!

Had the best day yet in 7 weeks!!

Had fruit and yoghurt and cereal..... Baby does not like yoghurt though!!

Got a chicken curry soup tonight with tiger bread yummy. Xxx
Haha Jenna I always think that with whole meal rolls! I always cut it in half and have like open sandwiches!

Had the best day yet in 7 weeks!!

Had fruit and yoghurt and cereal..... Baby does not like yoghurt though!!

Got a chicken curry soup tonight with tiger bread yummy. Xxx

Oooo chicken curry soup sounds lovely :)