Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

GAH - I hate my fitness pal.... now I remember why I stopped using it again, I just get stressed and obsessed with it.

Trying to decide whether to have a red or ee day..... either way I'm okay calorie wise.... using more on red apparently, but over on carbs and protein on both days.... So what do I go with?
Me too Donna. I would keep doing what you are doing. You are happy with what your doing and your body has changed..wouldn't focus on it as it makes you question everything you eat..relax and enjoy x
yeah im not looking at it again, had a bit of a paddy with it this morning lol.

but yeah i need to stop stressing about the number on the scales, its just hard when i know Christmas is looming, with all the marlets and weekends away as well... that weekend away will be full of mince pies, cheese and biscuits and drink (will steer clear of the drink to be fair but will have one or two)
Hi all, I always keep an eye on calorie count as well as eating the slimming world way. Do ye think that this is wrong? Should I eat fruit & veg freely even if it means I go over calories?
I find it very hard to relax on the calorie side even though I eat well and usually within healthy extras and syns.
I've never counted cals as well, but find when i have tracked in my fitness pal that i wasnt eating that many anyway. personally id suggest just following slimming world unless you start having problems with loosing.
Yeah I've done that too, typed it all into the app. It makes me way too over concious over carbs, so had to abandon! Even on days where I had only had what I view as a carb during my evening meal but then all my fruit and veg added up to over. Craziness!
That is why SW is the best counting calories! I sat last night & inputted my foods & even worked out the calories for scan bran carrot muffins......bored night nurse lol........& couldn't believe how the calories added up. I certainly wont be doing that again, as Im not having trouble losing at the moment, so obviously not eating too much! It was more out of interest than anything else, but I can see how you could become quite obsessed with it & would end up too scared to eat an apple!

Im not weighing daily this week as *week grumbling & it always puts me off getting on the scales even on WI day, but felt 'lighter' today so thought I'd have a sneaky peak & Im 1.5lbs lighter than last Friday! I swear its all the NAS squash Im drinking, as Im not doing anything else differently, apart from being back at work & doing less cycling cos Im back at work so have no b***** time!
That is why SW is the best counting calories! I sat last night & inputted my foods & even worked out the calories for scan bran carrot muffins......bored night nurse lol........& couldn't believe how the calories added up. I certainly wont be doing that again, as Im not having trouble losing at the moment, so obviously not eating too much! It was more out of interest than anything else, but I can see how you could become quite obsessed with it & would end up too scared to eat an apple!

Im not weighing daily this week as *week grumbling & it always puts me off getting on the scales even on WI day, but felt 'lighter' today so thought I'd have a sneaky peak & Im 1.5lbs lighter than last Friday! I swear its all the NAS squash Im drinking, as Im not doing anything else differently, apart from being back at work & doing less cycling cos Im back at work so have no b***** time!

Great news about being lighter.

I'm glad I checked my fitness pal because it was interesting to see that actually a red day is no better carbs or cals wise for me then a EE day, despite that not quite making sense, but I suppose all the fruit and the extra hex add up in that sense. I might do it again tomorrow out of interest but as soon as I start worrying about eating something which is okay on slimming world I will stop. I ate a little more today as well because I bought some chicken at tesco and had it with my lunch (was going to have it instead of the ham but then ended up having the ham as well)

I've actually really enjoyed having a red day today because I wanted to eat the red day food rather then convincing myself it will be better for my weight loss.

Hope star week comes and goes quickly, was talking to my sister and again I'm getting terrified about the thought of when I do come off my injection, I'm going to get a nasty shock when I get a proper star week, as at the moment it consists of a bit of spotting for one day (two if I'm unlucky) and I think that's bad enough.
kim63 said:
That is why SW is the best counting calories! I sat last night & inputted my foods & even worked out the calories for scan bran carrot muffins......bored night nurse lol........& couldn't believe how the calories added up. I certainly wont be doing that again, as Im not having trouble losing at the moment, so obviously not eating too much! It was more out of interest than anything else, but I can see how you could become quite obsessed with it & would end up too scared to eat an apple!

Im not weighing daily this week as *week grumbling & it always puts me off getting on the scales even on WI day, but felt 'lighter' today so thought I'd have a sneaky peak & Im 1.5lbs lighter than last Friday! I swear its all the NAS squash Im drinking, as Im not doing anything else differently, apart from being back at work & doing less cycling cos Im back at work so have no b***** time!

Well done Kim...brilliant!! I would say I have been good this week, esp by my standards. Even drinking loads and slim a tea and scales showing sts. Would love to see 8st 6 something on scales Fri. My target seems impossible but not moaning too much as its better than feeling horrible x
Have you had the squash instead of something else, or has it just upped the amount you drink?

My normal intake would have normally been about 4/5 big mugs of coffee & 1 mug of tea, so about 1.5 litres, but now I still have my coffee but have added in at least 2 litres of NAS squash, so in total Im drinking at least 3.5 litres of fluid per day now. I've noticed a huge difference, as in Im not retaining water anymore, as I would always have puffy fingers especially around *week & now my rings are loose all the time. I would always get up every morning & have puffy fingers, not anymore.......downside is Im on the loo a lot but even thats getting better!
I keep meaning to make more of an effort to drink more, but find it hard at times. I do drink de-caff coffee now (except for my first one in a morning) so that counts towards my intake, but tea when I have it is always caffeine ... will make a concious effort next week (I'll start after WI) to see if that makes a difference.
I was the same Donna & would just drink coffee with virtually no extra fluids. Have had a 4lb loss & then a 1lb loss since increasing up to 3 litres+ a day! Will be interesting to see what the loss will be like around *weeks! I've had to remove one of my rings as its driving me nuts flapping around on my finger, luckily my wedding ring is OK!
I might even start from tomorrow, I suppose there's no reason not too, I am going to that market on Sunday so not sure if I'll loose this week but it won't harm to start sooner rather then later
Just buy yourself a litre bottle of water & add whatever NAS juice you like to it & make an effort to drink at least 2 of them per day on top of your coffee/tea, then enjoy going to the loo twice an hour lol!
Just found a 2 litre bottle that boyfriend was about to put in the recycling, that will do :) ooo wish me luck, should be okay with it up until Sunday when we're out, but I'll drink as much of it as I can in the morning and will make sure I drink the rest in the evening, haha is it sad that I'm a little excited about drinking more water :p

I usually drink a pint with lunch and then just whatever hot drinks I have during the day, that's pretty bad really
babybuffy84 said:
Hi just weighed in and saw the 9's :) so weighed in at 9"13
Hoping to get to 8"13 or around there maybe lower so will see how I get on :) x

Welcome back Babybuff started this thread!!

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