Morning everyone!!!
Well done on the job suzie. Nope no more excuses for not going to gym now!! Lol
Sorry ladies I haven't been joining in on conversation as much. I've been feeling really sick since last fri and the on going head ache is getting worse
I've tried everything and yesterday I even took a migraine tablet. But nope still got this lingering sore head 
I even struggled doing my work out yesterday with my trainer. Just didn't feel as fit
dunno what's wrong.
My consultant also sent me a text out of the blue yesterday saying she noticed I didn't appear at class on Tuesday and I'm so close to target etc felt good to feel missed haha so it's keeping me motivated this week!!
Well done on the job suzie. Nope no more excuses for not going to gym now!! Lol
Sorry ladies I haven't been joining in on conversation as much. I've been feeling really sick since last fri and the on going head ache is getting worse
I even struggled doing my work out yesterday with my trainer. Just didn't feel as fit
My consultant also sent me a text out of the blue yesterday saying she noticed I didn't appear at class on Tuesday and I'm so close to target etc felt good to feel missed haha so it's keeping me motivated this week!!