Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

kim63 said:
How was WI Deb? x

Morning Kim, well done you. You deserve big pat on the back. Excellent.
I can't contain my excitment Kim...scales showing 2 pound loss!!! Can't believe it. So much so I am blaming the fact I had a light day in terms of food and don't want to get too excited but I also had some slim a tea but most importantly I tried sw properly again!!! Admitdely I didn't have super free with every meal but did count syns and healthy extras up until Thursday when my dress annoyed
Very happy....albeit wee bit scared for next week lol
Yay Kim target may not be impossible at all now...I think I have lost 4 pounds in six weeks but took me four weeks to lose two. Will need check back :)
kim63 said:
1.5lbs off this week taking me to 8st 12lbs, so thats 7.5lbs lost in 7 weeks & on track to lose 11lbs in 11 weeks for my Xmas Challenge & 5lbs to target!!! Thats me 49/49 days on plan......unheard of!!! :D

Do you know Kim that is so inspiring as you have managed what you said you were going to do. Very well done x
Sorry me again...if scales are correct for me...we both have roughly same to lose. I am 8st 5.75 exciting. You will need double the strength to pull me thru ha ha
Yay, wel done Deb thats great news, see SW does work if you stick at it.
Ref the lots of fluids......I've been drinking at least 2 litres of NAS along with my coffee & have lost 6.5lbs in 3 weeks!!! Is that a coincidence? I dont think so!!!
Keep it up Deb, you'll beat your challenge if you stick with SW xx
kim63 said:
Yay, wel done Deb thats great news, see SW does work if you stick at it.
Ref the lots of fluids......I've been drinking at least 2 litres of NAS along with my coffee & have lost 6.5lbs in 3 weeks!!! Is that a coincidence? I dont think so!!!
Keep it up Deb, you'll beat your challenge if you stick with SW xx

Don't get me wrong I do think water helps massively....and clearly with you and water retention. My problem is that on my days off I don't keep it up. I am going to make sure I do the same on a non working day that I do on a working day. That may be my down fall so I will see how it works. My new challenge!!
kim63 said:
1.5lbs off this week taking me to 8st 12lbs, so thats 7.5lbs lost in 7 weeks & on track to lose 11lbs in 11 weeks for my Xmas Challenge & 5lbs to target!!! Thats me 49/49 days on plan......unheard of!!! :D

Amazing!! Well done. My scales r back to 8:12(1/2) today!
I must say it does help when I know u are the same weight as me and wanting to lose the sane amount :)
debtin said:
Morning Kim, well done you. You deserve big pat on the back. Excellent.
I can't contain my excitment Kim...scales showing 2 pound loss!!! Can't believe it. So much so I am blaming the fact I had a light day in terms of food and don't want to get too excited but I also had some slim a tea but most importantly I tried sw properly again!!! Admitdely I didn't have super free with every meal but did count syns and healthy extras up until Thursday when my dress annoyed
Very happy....albeit wee bit scared for next week lol
Yay Kim target may not be impossible at all now...I think I have lost 4 pounds in six weeks but took me four weeks to lose two. Will need check back :)

Whoohoo!!! That's great!! Keep it up.

Before I came out of work for my daughter I found it hard to make myself drinks loads at home like I did in work. But it can be done. I now very easily drink 3 litres.
Donna when at work I drink a lot of fluid. Usually two cups coffee at home then water from there on. I am not sure how much a difference it makes to me but I know benefits of drinking it and love it. Keep it up as it will be interesting to see how it helps.

It sounds silly but I feel loads better today, don't know if it was drinking extra yesterday but surely it can't have harmed any :) will def keep it up for as long as I can, even if it doesn't help with my weight loss it's good for me. Don't want to get my hopes up too much or WI as I've been disappointed in the past so sticking with how I feel and ignoring the scales, but will still be interesting to see.

Morning Kim, well done you. You deserve big pat on the back. Excellent.
I can't contain my excitment Kim...scales showing 2 pound loss!!! Can't believe it. So much so I am blaming the fact I had a light day in terms of food and don't want to get too excited but I also had some slim a tea but most importantly I tried sw properly again!!! Admitdely I didn't have super free with every meal but did count syns and healthy extras up until Thursday when my dress annoyed
Very happy....albeit wee bit scared for next week lol
Yay Kim target may not be impossible at all now...I think I have lost 4 pounds in six weeks but took me four weeks to lose two. Will need check back :)

I'd love to loose 2lbs in 4 weeks haha.

Well done Kim, fantastic to see your on track for the goal you set :) great stuff.

Can't decide whether to take little one to school or not :/ he is full of cold but seems okay in himself at the moment, but yesterday when I picked him up he wasn't himself and just seemed really down, didn't eat his dinner and just layed on the sofa until bedtime.... I don't want to completely tire him out again by taking him into school.... but if he is okay don't want to not take him in...
kim63 said:
Wow you look stunning Rosie & very slim :)
Is that you in the avatar picture? If so, how much have you lost?

I have lost 2 stone in total. Yeah that's me in the avatar probably about 1 stone ago I'd say this is me 2 stone ago.....

kim63 said:
1.5lbs off this week taking me to 8st 12lbs, so thats 7.5lbs lost in 7 weeks & on track to lose 11lbs in 11 weeks for my Xmas Challenge & 5lbs to target!!! Thats me 49/49 days on plan......unheard of!!! :D

Well done I really want to see the 8s!!!! X
Amazing!! Well done. My scales r back to 8:12(1/2) today!
I must say it does help when I know u are the same weight as me and wanting to lose the sane amount :)

We can do it! Stick to plan, exercise, drink plenty, no booze (for me!), be obsessed with food & SW & we will be slim lol!

My 11 week challenge to Xmas was to lose 0.5 - 1lb per week which would give me a loss of 5.5 - 11lbs. Im normally such a slow irratic loser, thats why I gave myself that much range, so Im pretty happy with the loss so far. When I started back in January at 10st 7lbs it took me a long time to get down to 8st 11lbs as I was out drinking about 2-3 times a month & then having the munchies the next day! Nothing wrong in that, but it goes to show by being on plan 100% which I have been for 7 weeks & no alcohol at all, not one drop has passed my lips lol!......oh what a martyr I am lol ;) x
Your so pretty Rosie in all your pics. But you look amazing in that latest one, well done on the weight loss :)

We can do it! Stick to plan, exercise, drink plenty, no booze (for me!), be obsessed with food & SW & we will be slim lol!

My 11 week challenge to Xmas was to lose 0.5 - 1lb per week which would give me a loss of 5.5 - 11lbs. Im normally such a slow irratic loser, thats why I gave myself that much range, so Im pretty happy with the loss so far. When I started back in January at 10st 7lbs it took me a long time to get down to 8st 11lbs as I was out drinking about 2-3 times a month & then having the munchies the next day! Nothing wrong in that, but it goes to show by being on plan 100% which I have been for 7 weeks & no alcohol at all, not one drop has passed my lips lol!......oh what a martyr I am lol ;) x

You've done fantastic Kim, well done

Decided little one is staying off school, while I'm not working I can keep him off when he isn't 100% in a month or so might not have the luxury of doing that, plus I don't want him completely overdoing it and making himself worse for the weekend either.
I haven't been drinking either apart from with in syns. Which is 3 vodka lol and that's only been the past 2 weeks. Do I must say I have bed. Sw obsessed because I would usually get really drink on weekends. Now I would rather sit in and be good lol I don't even wanna go to the market tomorrow. Ugh

Lol but yes we can do it. I want to get to 8.7 by Xmas. Fingers crossed
Hope wee one is ok Donna and I think its allowed if there is a chance he may go downhill later on today x
I have the wedding tom..not going to be on plan but I don't feel guilty. I am going to take each bit of food and drink as it comes as I have no idea what it will be. Drink wise I shall more than likely stick to Morgan spiced as I am sure even with a 25-35ml measure it is still better than wine?
Missing my wine a little but remembering how bad it can make me feel.
Will be good today and tom up until wedding time. When I think about it I don't think it will be disaster as I don't need to have dessert.
I went to M&S for bra fitting. SHe shocked me by sayin I was between E and F cup. They aren't big at all. When I was pregnant yes but now they have "dropped so much" as she very depressingly put it. Anyway she didn't have strap less to fit and The one she gave me to try was pretty rubbish. Long story short I went to Asda, took the bigggest size which was dd tried it on with my dress and its totally fine. Feel safe in it and it cost me six quid....result
Thanks ladies, going to keep doing the slim a tea every other night to see if it is helping.
Now I need to go get some low fat hang over munchies for Sunday lol
Thanks Deb, I'm sure he'll be fine, but its not very nice when they're ill is it and I do think going to school would make him worse, he's only eaten a cereal bar for breakfast-said his cereal tasted funny, but bearing in mind he didn't eat his pizza last night either I think that's a sign not alls well as well.

Have fun at the wedding, you do right not to worry about syns on the day, its not like your at weddings every week or even every month. I wish I was surprised by how big they told me my boobs were, I'm always surprised by how small a cup size they give me, I always think I'll be a smaller size round and a bigger cupsize and they always give me bigger round and smaller cup :( I think they just have it in for me... by them I mean the tape measures as even when I do it myself I'm disappointed haha
Just realised I can start on my water now as well (didn't fill it up as was going to do the library at school) going to have to force myself to do the crosstrainer in a bit as well, hope little one lets me do it.
Aghhhh - I'm torn, done the right thing keeping little one off as he's just had diarrea :( but he's got a right attitude with it as well.... off to see if he'll let me do my crosstrainer or at the very least some sort of exercise.
He seemed fine later this afternoon before bed, so fingers crossed he'll be 100% again in the morning. Glad I kept him off, as he would have just been out of it after a full day of school.