Gold Member
ah we have discussed this before donna. think its pretty much personal choice but no right or wrong answer. it is hard. i always struggle with the only child topic but think now i am content with my decision of one. we are lucky to be blessed with one and quite simply we couldn't give two kids the life we want one kid to have. we pay just under 500 for child care and its a struggle plus i am not getting any younger lol thought i was maybe pg recently and i was worried which sort of answered a lot of my questions/doubts. i do worry little one is missing out but not all sibling get along plus that couldn't be my reason for trying for second baby. plus i am so blinking tired lol
You're right, there is no right or wrong, just whatever is right for our own families and only we can say that. I suppose its nice knowing we may decide to have another one, but also if we decide not too or maybe even when it comes down to it and we try for another and can't, neither of us are going to be that upset by it as we are happy how we are. I think its nice that boyfriend obviously views little one as his own.