Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Hey Kim I posted that lost two lb so I was away doing cartwheels lol

Am not sure about losing seven pound before Xmas. Even tho I have lost 3 in two weeks I am sure it will slow down too. Will keep plodding away as already I feel so much better about myself
Well done Kim as 1.5 is brilliant. X

Dope! I must have missed that post! Yay, well done on 2lbs Deb & it goes to show by omitting some of the naughties, which isn't really that hard, that you can lose the weight! Who says you cant lose 7lbs by Xmas?! If its not the full 7lbs, it will be as near as damn it if you carry on like you're doing. Keep remembering this feeling of losing weight & feeling healthier & it can be done! x
I will Kim as I never stick at anything so really want to take it one week at a time. I also know the guys in work think my gym thing is a fad so hoping to prove them wrong lol
Kim just laughing at the philly receipe where you have given me it twice....such a muppet. Will go look for it as I want it for tom night. Also won't be using ww cheese ugh
I will Kim as I never stick at anything so really want to take it one week at a time. I also know the guys in work think my gym thing is a fad so hoping to prove them wrong lol
Kim just laughing at the philly receipe where you have given me it twice....such a muppet. Will go look for it as I want it for tom night. Also won't be using ww cheese ugh

Well you prove them wrong!
Give me a shout if you want the phili recipe AGAIN! lol ! x
Donna can under stand your predicament. Would it maybe be someone else who interviews you? If it was the head this time, she may already have made her mind up but the person in charge of the other role, if there is some one, may be asked to get a feel for you. If that makes sense?

This time it was the head and two other ladies in charge of different things, next time it will be the head and some other people, not sure whether they'll be the same or different. The next one will probably be a bigger panel if anything because of the job role. I'm trying not to worry about it as they haven't even advertised it yet but still trying to prepare and think of questions and things to say ect. a lot of the questions were about the school as they're getting a new building after Christmas. Like I say it annoys me a bit that I was really enthusiastic and made a good impression, but that I'm going to have to do it all again in a different way, but I can do it :) I just have to stay positive. It helps that I know the head and at least a few other people there like me actually, because I can go in and be myself whereas if I didn't know any of them or their reactions to me I'd be more on my guard

Weigh in today....showed the same as yesterday which I was dreading seeing change but 2lb loss. Can't believe it. Think that has happened maybe twice in my life. I am very pleased. The main thing I have changed is not eating crisp and chocolate at night which must save me about 1500 per week. Also not had take away for two weeks. Apart from that I am having three meals per day. Went to gym twice but only for 30min but really enjoying it. Keep sayin am going to do jillian michaels shred but haven't got round to it...yet.

Fantastic, doubt I'll ever see a 2lb loss again but that's not a bad thing as if I ever do it will be because I've piled it on and need to loose it. But still get jealous when I see other people get them :p
Gym sounds good, glad your still enjoying it. I'm the same with the shred.. keep talking about it but haven't done it yet

Cute little bump Nikki x

No harm in not doing WI today Ronnie, as I often miss a week, as I find it a bit obsessive. There was obviously a reason for the choccie cake by the sounds of it. Just do the best you can next week x

Im sure when you get your next interview Donna, the questions will be very different so your answers will be. Im sure you wont remember the questions you asked them, but if they are the same & relevant for the job, there will be no harm asking them again. You could wear the same top, just wear a different jacket or different accessories....they wont know! x

Did you WI this morning Deb? x

I lost 1.5lbs this week, which is most of last weeks *week bloat, but its still *week so still puffy lol!I dont let it worry me now as its only water retention & certainly not fat as I've been 100% on plan for 3 weeks now, so how can it be!
I think I am being over ambitious on the 11lbs in Weeks Challenge, as I am a notoriously slow loser, so I think Im setting myself up for a fall as usual! So Im going to have a think & re-name my Challenge to be more achievable. I wont not have a Challenge as I always need a little goal, so thinking cap is on! Also, not touched a drop of the devil juice in 24 days lol! x

well done on the two weeks without the naughty stuff ;)

I keep thinking about doing another challenge as well but think I'm better off aiming for days on plan rather then weight loss as my losses are unpredictable and I feel the same as if I'm just setting myself up for a fail... although I might set myself a small challenge to loose 2lbs over November (only 1/2lb a week so very achievable) and if I do more I'll be over the moon.
donna88 said:
This time it was the head and two other ladies in charge of different things, next time it will be the head and some other people, not sure whether they'll be the same or different. The next one will probably be a bigger panel if anything because of the job role. I'm trying not to worry about it as they haven't even advertised it yet but still trying to prepare and think of questions and things to say ect. a lot of the questions were about the school as they're getting a new building after Christmas. Like I say it annoys me a bit that I was really enthusiastic and made a good impression, but that I'm going to have to do it all again in a different way, but I can do it :) I just have to stay positive. It helps that I know the head and at least a few other people there like me actually, because I can go in and be myself whereas if I didn't know any of them or their reactions to me I'd be more on my guard

Fantastic, doubt I'll ever see a 2lb loss again but that's not a bad thing as if I ever do it will be because I've piled it on and need to loose it. But still get jealous when I see other people get them :p
Gym sounds good, glad your still enjoying it. I'm the same with the shred.. keep talking about it but haven't done it yet

well done on the two weeks without the naughty stuff ;)

I keep thinking about doing another challenge as well but think I'm better off aiming for days on plan rather then weight loss as my losses are unpredictable and I feel the same as if I'm just setting myself up for a fail... although I might set myself a small challenge to loose 2lbs over November (only 1/2lb a week so very achievable) and if I do more I'll be over the moon.

Sounds like great goal is just to be good lol
Can't remember if I mentioned or not but got another job interview but it was too far away and only for a couple of hours a day, so just rang to tell them I wouldn't be going, I said I'd had another job offer :/ really hoping I haven't jynxed myself there but I felt bad for messing them around and didn't know what to say.
donna88 said:
Can't remember if I mentioned or not but got another job interview but it was too far away and only for a couple of hours a day, so just rang to tell them I wouldn't be going, I said I'd had another job offer :/ really hoping I haven't jynxed myself there but I felt bad for messing them around and didn't know what to say.

That's great Donna that You got the offer. I know it was too far away so don't worry about it. Fingers crossed for next one. How was Halloween party?
That's great Donna that You got the offer. I know it was too far away so don't worry about it. Fingers crossed for next one. How was Halloween party?

It was lovely, met a little girls mum on the way in so we sat and had a chat and he ran off playing with her for most of it... at first they were both really shy but they ended up playing with a few of their other friends. Didn't cost too much either, it was £2 for tickets then I spent £1.60 on a hot dog, a game and some sweets for him... so can't really moan about that.

Can't wait for home time now though, sounds silly as I'm not working but I miss both my men lol, looking forward to spending half term with them.
kim i checked on the philly website and it doenst look too bad sw wise - am bad for memory and writing thins down

The eay I do it there's no syns, just use the light phili as a HexA/B!
Right dont lose it this time Mrs........this is the basic sauce & you can then add either extra veg or chicken/pork/bacon/steak/prawns

Light Phili Sauce

Stir fry some chopped onions, garlic, leeks & mushrooms......use whatever quantities you like for 2 or 4 portions
Dissolve 1 or 2 veggie stock cubes in 150-300mls of hot water.....I use 1 stock cube & 150mls for a 2 portion meal & double it if Im bulk cooking
Add to the veggies & stir until almost evaporated
Add 75g light phili cheese (HexA/B) for a 2 portion meal
Stir until all mixed in & makes a lovely creamy sauce
Season with salt, pepper & sprinkling of sweetener

You can then add some extra veg like carrots, green beans & brocolli for a Green day & have with wholemeal pasta twists/spaghetti or rice
For a Red or EE day add some meat or prawns & serve with rice, pasta or potatoes

Enjoy! x
Your the best!!! The last time I tried makin something with Philly I didn't like it but now I can follow this and will use bacon.
Thank you Kim x
Ooo I'll have to give that sauce a go one could do it with peppercorns to make a black peppercorn sauce for steak as well I bet.

Boyfriend keeps getting on at me to start making some chips for dinner.... I'm not hungry yet but he's starving, I'm holding off but if I wait too long he'll end up making them instead :/ is it mean to hold off when he's starving? It's not my fault he hasn't eaten anything yet. If I eat too early I'll want to snack loads tonight, I know what I'm like.
Crap he's started them..... bloody impatient man! They're not going to be as good as mine, if he starts cooking them as well I could go for him
Your the best!!! The last time I tried makin something with Philly I didn't like it but now I can follow this and will use bacon.
Thank you Kim x

Its scrummy with bacon & spaghetti, almost a Carbonara. Its best to always cook the bacon/chicken etc in a seperate pan as you can get it nice & browned off rather than all soggy if you cook it in with the sauce......just a suggestion as I like my meat to have a bit of colour on it! x
kim63 said:
Its scrummy with bacon & spaghetti, almost a Carbonara. Its best to always cook the bacon/chicken etc in a seperate pan as you can get it nice & browned off rather than all soggy if you cook it in with the sauce......just a suggestion as I like my meat to have a bit of colour on it! x

Thinking about it I poach chicken, grill some bacon, add it to pasta with spring onion and tomato and stir in Philly and I just love it. Got bacon and philly today so will be makin your receipe tom. Sorry you gave me it so many times tho

Having another baby sale this weekend. Made lot money last time but just can't be bothered this time but want all the stuff out my spare room. Just sat down with some wine.
Revelation yet again today. Put half the amount spaghetti in pot today that I usually do thinking it prob wouldn't be enough. OH had frozen the mince in containers so there was very little. Our son had fallen asleep as not been feeling very well so thought dinner would scrape thru. Turns out wee one woke up just as I was dishing up and thinking how pitiful our plates looked, and also wanted some. Turns out we actually all had more than enough. This is something I have been noticing a lot. How little a portion actually fills you up...lesson learned

Donna am scared to ask how the chip were ;)

As already said I made some yesterday...excellent..tried make some again for OH cos I was showing off and they were horrible. Another lesson learned....don't show off lol
Haha the chips were fine, I had to take over with the par boiling and popping in the oven though, he would have had them in cold water for 5 minutes and then put them in the oven while the burgers cooked. I can understand he was hungry but seriously!! He used a massive knife to cut them as well

I have massive portions, but I don't feel full if I don't :/ it is something I sometimes think I should change but then I can't
Good god been up since sure its to do with the wine. Only had two glasses and I am bit shattered. Went to Tesco at 645 for veg for soup to try and cleanse my soul. Typical tho..wee one still sleeping yet if I was sleeping am sure he would be up. Could sleep for a week now :(
debtin said:
Good god been up since sure its to do with the wine. Only had two glasses and I am bit shattered. Went to Tesco at 645 for veg for soup to try and cleanse my soul. Typical tho..wee one still sleeping yet if I was sleeping am sure he would be up. Could sleep for a week now :(

We could have had a chat as I was up as well......working! Have a little lie down this afternoon & kick your boys out for a bit of peace!
Glad you're still on track as you're doing really well Debs & seem really motivated & focused. It certainly spurs us on losing a few pounds doesn't it?! X

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Good god been up since sure its to do with the wine. Only had two glasses and I am bit shattered. Went to Tesco at 645 for veg for soup to try and cleanse my soul. Typical tho..wee one still sleeping yet if I was sleeping am sure he would be up. Could sleep for a week now :(

Oh no, hope you have a nice relaxing day and get some rest, although I know what its like with little one.

It's been snowing here overnight and everythings covered in frost.... can't decide whether to do my run outside or be a loser and do it inside just so I don't freeze to death :( wish I had a treadmill.... or I might cheat and not do the run but do 30 minutes on the crosstrainer... surely that's still going to keep fitness levels up so I can still manage the run on Tuesday?