This time it was the head and two other ladies in charge of different things, next time it will be the head and some other people, not sure whether they'll be the same or different. The next one will probably be a bigger panel if anything because of the job role. I'm trying not to worry about it as they haven't even advertised it yet but still trying to prepare and think of questions and things to say ect. a lot of the questions were about the school as they're getting a new building after Christmas. Like I say it annoys me a bit that I was really enthusiastic and made a good impression, but that I'm going to have to do it all again in a different way, but I can do it

I just have to stay positive. It helps that I know the head and at least a few other people there like me actually, because I can go in and be myself whereas if I didn't know any of them or their reactions to me I'd be more on my guard
Fantastic, doubt I'll ever see a 2lb loss again but that's not a bad thing as if I ever do it will be because I've piled it on and need to loose it. But still get jealous when I see other people get them

Gym sounds good, glad your still enjoying it. I'm the same with the shred.. keep talking about it but haven't done it yet
well done on the two weeks without the naughty stuff
I keep thinking about doing another challenge as well but think I'm better off aiming for days on plan rather then weight loss as my losses are unpredictable and I feel the same as if I'm just setting myself up for a fail... although I might set myself a small challenge to loose 2lbs over November (only 1/2lb a week so very achievable) and if I do more I'll be over the moon.