Anyone Maintaining Who Wants Help And Mutual Support To Stay Put?

Oh and I lost another 2lb this week, really just getting back on track after a pub weekend last week!
I added an extra b then gained the entire 3lbs! But I am now just doing EE exactly as I would if losing and my body just wavers about at target...

Eeek! I suppose it's different for everybody. I think I'll try the extra B this week and see how it goes.... It could all go t*ts up! I can cut it back next week if I have a gain :cry:
I added an extra HeB and kept losing so added another! now I generally stick for plan in the week and for breakfast and lunch at the weekend, then have whaterver I fancy for dinner, don't generally snack much so seems to be working for me.

You see, this would be my ideal. I'd love to be able to stick to plan as normal Mon - Fri and loosen the belt a little at the weekends. But, I'm terrified it will be a slippery slope... I am a seriously snacky person!
You see, this would be my ideal. I'd love to be able to stick to plan as normal Mon - Fri and loosen the belt a little at the weekends. But, I'm terrified it will be a slippery slope... I am a seriously snacky person!

Why don't you give it a try, if you tell yourself this is how the plan now works for you it may work. After all you had to make changes when you decided to lose weight with SW.
I just need to have a little moan :(
I havent weighed in for the last couple of weeks as have had stuff on so am trying to have a good week before next weigh in. I have had a few treats over the last couple of weeks for anniversary and stuff.
Tonight we decided to go out for a family meal as don't do it very often and thought it would be nice.
I chose Harvester as thought could make reasonable choices there. I found it really hard!!!:eek:
When I was 'dieting' ie trying to lose weight I had a focus , a goal and could see the point in making good choices/sacrifices and though I can still see the point of it in order to maintain it brings it to the reality of it really is a life time commitment of mostly good choicesif I don't want to gain and gain and gain weight :sigh:
Which is reality and I need to learn to deal with it but still getting used to the idea I suppose its a completely new thing for me and its hard when you are surrounded by people (kids and hubby in this instance) that can make bad choices lots of the time and it not show outwardly at least!
Sorry to be negative just needed to get this off my chest where some one may understand. Hubby could see that I was upset but though he cares he doesn't understand because he doesn't gain a lot of weight!
I know exactly where your coming from...we think we all do on this thread. Even though your a maintainer your still having to make sacrifices daily. There's no quick fix in staying slim or just one day just being able to eat freely and not worry.

People always moan at me when they see me weighing out my food, calculating what I am having, what I will be using my syns on and or planning on flexi syn if going out etc they just roll their eyes are are like "why you bothering, your so stupid your not fat, you need to calm down/chill out, your ridiculous"

This makes me feel bad then :-(

You can't calm down or chill out because when u do and let things slide the weight can very easily creep back on or if like me you go CRAZY on holiday and put a whooping 7lbs on in 1.5 wks then your the one having to struggle to get it back off. Which so far it's taken me 6 weeks to get off 6pm (didn't loose the first two weeks on EE) but I am now within my target but 1lb about my perfect (where I feel good) maintaining weight.

All I know is that was a reality check for me and I won't do it again.

I hope your ok emsie BIG hugs for u xx
Completely get the last 2 posts! It is a hard reality that yes SW is a healthy eating plan for life. It is so easy to focus on target and will yourself on to get there,saying no to all the naughties you are offered because you see that goal in sight.

I get people saying to me all the time 'you are not still on that diet are you' and 'your disappearing' although my weight has been the same for over 6 months now! :rolleyes:

It is 50/50 for me. I have good weeks where I'm very positive and find it fairly easy and bad weeks where I doubt myself that I can keep going with this. I have now got used to this and its all about balance.

No doubt though that being at target is still fab! ;) I still catch a glimpse of myself walking past a shop window and think oh, that slim lady is me!

Over the last 10 yrs or so I have lost and put on the same 3 stone more times than I care to remember but I now tell myself that this won't happen again because this was all pre-SW. I have a plan that I love and I know I can stick to.

Chin up maintainers :) x
Me too... My usual one is "your not still dieting are you and don't walk over a drainpipe you'll fall in"

As soon as you say SW that's it then it's like shock horror your on a diet? Get them rolling their eyes etc but like we have all said SW is a life style change even at target you still got to be conscious and make the correct choices otherwise all your hard work to get to where you are now was a waste of time.

I get bad days where I pig out but I am also conscious of it and take preventive measures to try and not gain (or as little as possible - apart from that nightmare of a holiday haha) if I do I eat less syn'd food to balance me out and I exercise more.

It's not easy but I think it's so worth it :) x
Thanks for the support nice to know its not just me!
Hubby and I had a row last night because he gets so frustrated to see me like this about weight etc I tried to explain I just need time to get used to it all as its a completely new phase for me but he just wants to make it all better but ends up making it worse! Nevermind am sure it will all be ok! As said sw is a great plan and if have got to maintain anyway then sw is the way! There is room for some treats etc just not all of them all the time...we all know where that can get us don't we?!!?! xxx
I can't believe that I haven't seen this thread until now. i have been at target for a while and still find it difficult at times!

Glad you found us ;). Well done, you have maintained target for nearly 2 yrs -wow! I don't expect it does get any easier.

The sun has been shining today, it has been lovely to strip off in shorts and vest top and not be conscious of it. Never would have worn this a year ago
I too am having a fit of the fed-ups. Officially (although target has shifted a bit in the interim) I have been maintaining for 8 months. Today I took my kids to McDonalds and I was reasonably ok - choosing chicken nuggets and diet coke over what I really wanted, which was a massive burger and chips and a big gloopy milkshake, but I was watching all these people queueing and getting their food and just not seemingly caring one jot about how many syns were in the huge portions they were having. And it frustrates me that I cant do that and expect to maintain my weight successfully. Its tiring my brain to constantly be on my toes as regards food and remembering to always make the correct choices rather than just eating whatever I want (which, I do concur, was what got me where I was in the first place.)

Its hard. Maintaining is really hard. And Im tired.
I did the same today having lunch in a food court where my son had burger and fries (which I wasn't that fussed about) and I walked past the part with all the lovely yorkshire puddings and pies and cheesey potato bake where lots of people were queuing and seemingly intending to eat the stuff and they in themajority were not overweight particularly and I had an omlette with salads which yes was nice but once again not what I wanted first choice!
It is very tiring MLM you are right and I don't know what the answer is!
Hubby seems to think trying to do this forever is not good for me! but I don't know what the alternative is! :confused:
Sorry to hear you are feeling the same! x
I have been reading this site but i have not posted since i started in feb. I became a target member 3 weeks ago after losing 2stone 9lb. I went totally off the rails and didnt go to class for 2 weeks. I went this week to face the scales and i put on 1lb ( quite pleased with that)
This week i have got back on wagon, but i have realised that this is for life and is a life long battle with myself if i want to maintain my new body and weight.
Today i cooked roast chicken with new potatoes while my hubby went to fish shop to get chips to go with his chicken - jealous me? No never!!! Ok then i would have killed for them lol ;-)
Hi All
Agree this maintaining lark is like its very own challenge lol
I have been maintaining a few months now, but its up and down. The only time i went out of target was when i went on holiday and gained, but was back in target (just) when I went back to group
My aim is to try and stay just under target weight, then the fluctuations can be managed.
i must admit i always weigh myself - damage control.
I tend to 'treat' myself on the weekend, i.e. a take away with no sw influence - indulge lol. Then during the week i stick to plan and it keeps me on track.
I had a bad week food wise last week, had a 'treat' nearly everyday so determined to get rid of my 2lb gain (still in target).
I do not count sysn on everything now, i know what I can eat, tis is supposed to be a healthy eating plan, and I will NOT let the weight creep back up, i think that is the worst thing for me. I hear the stories of people who have lost loads, and then end up back at square 1 with a few more pounds. i do not want to be one of those people, I have completed a fantastic weight loss journey, and do not want to change now
Don't go to WI
If you know your out of target take the time out.
I had a few weeks off due to holidays etc, gained but got back on track so didn't have to pay when I went back
Just make sure you stick to plan, and aim to get back into target