Ancient Egypt Nut!
Tee hee its a shame she didnt use contraceptives!
I mean its not like Im stupid Im a student Doctor for gods sake I know the risks and I wouldnt put me in an at risk category, maybe if I smoked or was older than I am maybe.
HUFF! lol.
Ill try the water thing thanks Mini n thanks for the hugs!
Isis thanks for the reassurance...
Clucks I feel like Im going mad I cant sleep! Im physically tired but mentally wide awake weird eh?
Pixie hun,
Physically tired but mentally wide awake goes with the territory of student, study blah blah blah doesn't it?
Don't worry about it If you need to get some sleep, try a bath or read if it helps you fall asleep (not the ruddy academic books though!! )
As I have posted before....."Tommorow is Not Today".