Anyone tried or is doing shake that weight vlcd?

Jerusha the STW choc shakes are yum there all I have and I don't get bored!

Weighing tomorrow now as have had a busy day and no time to go to nans!

Past 2 days been good just had meatballs with slim noodles was delicious!!

I think they are nice but I Haven't had the other
Ones so can't compare.
Burnt 446 Cals off at the gym earlier so Technically in not taking in any Cals today - surely I'll loose weight this time
Will keep fingers crossed Jeanette :)
Thanx everyone, need it lol :D but hav been good 2day just had exante porridge lunchtime and an egg white and mushroom omelette for tea, so prob a bar, which is a saints & s******s (not to say name on here) salted caramel bar, really lush as well. Hav been keeping my scale out of bathroom and only taking in to weigh, as it started weighing diff amounts every time u stood on it :mad: it has worked as now weighing ok. (was by the side of bath) so moisture was getting in prob.
Tara did u try frying noodles in liquid bouillon after?
Emmy, watch ur exercise as sometimes ur body holds onto weight if not having enuf cals :(
Anyone else weighing 2moro?

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I'm hungry :-( and can feel the dreaded headache coming on :-( need to get through the next few days ....
I fried with chilli flakes, cumin, garlic, madras power and added passata, was really tasty! I hate the fishy smell before you wash it tho x
Emmy, i know, headache is awful!!! Hav a cup of bouillon.
Tara, i know its an awful smell:( but a lot better fried tho isnt it?

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Tara just saw ur weighing tomoro as well, hopefully we'll both get into 12's!!! I'm not banking on it tho :(

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What's bouillon? Seen it mentioned a few times, is it a drink? Or soup? And where would I get some please?

I'm sure you will be under 13 tomorrow without a doubt x
Thanx emmy, :D hope so, everything crossed lol
Its called marigold bouillon, and its in a small tub and its a powder that u put 1tsp of in a mug of boiling water. Its like a cup of soup(watery version lol) and nice, i bought it in asda but u can get it anywhere(its in the stock cube aisle)

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Thanks I'll get some, has it got carbs in and how many Cals is it?
I'm down to 12st 7.5 today which means I've lost 2lb yesterday (all water I know but still pleased)
Good luck on your weigh in today x
YES YES YES i did it, now 12st 13.5 lb :D:D:D as u can see i'm very pleased, hav lost 2lb this week (down 3/4 lb since yesterday:D) sorry re all the smileys but very pleased :eek:)
Well done emmy, ur doing great. Re carbs, no ur allowed it, but i wouldnt hav more than 2 a day tho.
Good luck everyone :D

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Fantastic news Jeanette, pleased for you :) another milestone reached in your journey!

It's 16 pounds down now in three weeks for myself. I've reached the stage where I'm sick of the shakes and I can't finish a full glass because it turns my stomach and I can't look at the banana or strawberry flavours. Anyone recommend anything else I could try please? Cheers
Thanx del, am really pleased.
Hav a look at either exante or slim and save, both reasonable and they do soups, bars, porridge and meals among others and i find it better as ur eating instead of just drinking something. Keep an eye out as exante sometimes hav great offers.

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Thanks everyone and well done Jeanette that's great!! Knew you could do it!

Del I buy slim and save bars sometimes and replace one of my shakes with them when I feel the need to eat - they are the same Cals and still meal replacement and when I've done this in the past I still have had good losses, or you could do what Jeanette said and move to another one that has food packs

Hope everyone else is doing good

How are you getting on Tara? Have you tried any dresses on yet? X
Aw well done girls, you're so inspiring. I have a lot more to loose. And I had chicken yesterday.
I'm trying again today all 4 shakes (fingers crossed).
It's good you went for chicken rather than anything else, I normally end up eating chocolate but I'm going to keep chicken In Incase this time
Argggghhhhhhh 13st on the button soo frustrating! I even took my jumper off to see if I could get under lol!!

We'l done Jeanette I know you've been waiting for this day!!

Emmy I'm booking to go to a shop in 2 weeks that should give me an incentive to get half stone off before then!
