Hi everyone, well done Jeanette that's brill! 
Could be it Tara because when I was doing shake that weight few weeks ago I kept nibbling at baby bel coz I also thought no carbs but those weeks I didn't lose and ended up giving up so now if I get to bad I'll eat chicken.
Also still drink tea but having unsweetened soya milk as it says your allowed to on shake that weight although not sure about exante ect but I can't do it with out tea lol
Had my shake today and feeling full so hoping this is ketosis kicking in. Loving the gym too but I'm finding I can't do a lot before my energy levels get to low so only doing about half hour a day at the mo
Down to 12st 3 3/4 today - love this diet!
Could be it Tara because when I was doing shake that weight few weeks ago I kept nibbling at baby bel coz I also thought no carbs but those weeks I didn't lose and ended up giving up so now if I get to bad I'll eat chicken.
Also still drink tea but having unsweetened soya milk as it says your allowed to on shake that weight although not sure about exante ect but I can't do it with out tea lol
Had my shake today and feeling full so hoping this is ketosis kicking in. Loving the gym too but I'm finding I can't do a lot before my energy levels get to low so only doing about half hour a day at the mo
Down to 12st 3 3/4 today - love this diet!