Anyone want a slimming buddy?

Have to admit I had a few chips but only because I had enough syns left for them and there was less than 15 chips left!

Well done Sue, motivation is great! Good luck for tomorrow Kerry!
Sue I will swap with you. Sofyplay is full of screaming whiney kids + it has the demon cake + rolls. Good exercise though lol. Hoping they have jacket spuds tomorrow.

Well I had the yogurt + kitkat + it was scrummy! Also had a hot bubble bath so feeling totally spoilt just now. Im off to bed now.

Hope you have a good day tomorrow everyone. What's happened to all our newbies??
good luck today kerry, could u not bring low syn snacks with u, just incase u get tempted

Just try not to look lol

well today I feel very motivated, when I got home last night I weighed out my whole box of cereal into 28g into sandwich bags so that I can be organised and not go over it

today I am having melon, raspberries, orange and apple as snacks

fruit and fibre for breakie

lunch beans and 3 x ryvita

dinner with be pasta and veg

goin to make a big pot of home made soup as well for over the next couple of days
Wow thats super organised of you Sue! What soup are you going to make im thinking of making one tonight too, but cant decide what flavour.

Your day sounds well planned! Mine is as follows; breakfast - weetabix, lunch - jacket potato and baked beans, dinner - steak and veg (that i didnt have last night) going to snack on superfree only all day to balance out the fact that breakfast and lunch doesnt have the third superfree.

Hope today is going well for you Kerry and youve stayed away from those evil cakes and rolls!!!

Sue your ticker says you are exactly half way through your weight loss!! Woohoo! :D
well my daily plan has changed

for lunch I had chicken salad instead - lettuce, tomato, peppers, cucomber, pickles, beetroot and some coleslaw - 4 syns

for dinner am now having fish and veg lol

think am going to make vegetable soup so that it counts as my 3rd a plate lol

ano I cant believe am half way, but then again I cant seem to get passed this point and stay there lol

yum ur dinner sounds lovely, think am goin to make a roast beef dinner at the weekend, :)

what kind of soup are u thinking about ?
Think ill do something of a spicy carrot soup with some curry powder and lots of spices! I dont like putting meat into my soups so they usually end up being veg and purely superfree normally!! :D

If youre having a toally superfree soup at lunch, do you reckon its ok to skip the third superfree at breakfast?

Your lunch still seems very healthy! You will get past this point!!

After my fishy week i might try abit of the success express, as ive got this wedding at the end of November so from 22 Nov-26th Nov im going to give success express a go for another boost after the fish week lol
what is success express

do u have a diet plan for it

yea am pleased with my lunch chioce

how is ur day going ?

ur soup sounds lovely yum yum

sorry for short reply am being sneeky in work lol
Sue my understanding of it is that you still have your hx's like extra easy and your syns, but have 2/3rds of your plate super free and only snack on super free foods!
No success express for me then. Couldn't do veg all day.

Didnt go to softplay so wasnt a problem. I normslly take some alpen light bars and fruit but it Is the smell of the bacon that kills me.

Not had a brilliant day. Had a phillidelphia sweet chilli snack thingy, no idea how many syns. My son decided he wanted a picnic for lunch so I ended up eating 40g full fat cheese with a slice of crusty bread. Not horrendous but no idea how many syns I had which is annoying. I had syns to spare from earlier this week so will use them all and not worry too much.

I also made soup today lol. Lentil + bacon for me. So my day so far looks like this:
B: porridge with milk (HEa + b) + pear cup of tea
L: 40g cheese (28g HEa + 3 syns) 1 slice crusty bread 4syns philly splendip ?syns
Snack: SW cajun wedges
D: lentil + bacon soup, 2sunflower ryvita (heb)
Hot choc 2syns
Sweet chilli snack a jacks 6 syns
I've worked out the syns for you kerry, french bread is 3.5 syns per 28g so I don't know how much the piece you had was but was probs more than 28g as that isn't very much! maybe 5 syns to be on the safe side?

Sweat chilli splendips 7.5 syns
Crusty bread 5 syns
12g extra cheese 3 syns
Sweet chilli snack a jacks 5.5 syns
Hot choc (do you have options?) 2 syns

Total is 23 syns which isn't too bad! :D

Just made my soup smells delicious!
god how bad is that weather?

how is everyone today, I had a good day yesterday only had 7 syns in total which am pleased about, am trying for a really good loss this week, here hoping anyway lol

today am having

breakfast - 28g fruit and fibre (hex b) 250ml milk (hex a )

snack - melon, grapes and raspberries,

Lunch - Mug shot, 3 x ryvita (hex b) 1 x cheese triangle (hex a ) and low fat yoghurt

Snack - 2 x oranges

Dinner - home made veg soup and potatoes (I cant wait)

whats everyone elses plans for this week?
how is the fish week going
Fish week doesnt start until monday! Hopefully ill still have enough money left for it lol!

B - fruit and fibre with muller light vanilla yoghurt yummy!!
L - homemade curried carrot soup (which was yummy too!)
D - yet to be confirmed hopefully a jacket potato, beans and cheese as im off out shopping with family
S - Snack a jacks and a refresher (10.5 syns in total)

This whole week has gone pretty well, so im hoping for a loss this week, so long as i dont screw up the weekend again grrr

Yeah the weather is bad, the wind woke me up last night.

Just found out the rash ive got is caused by a virus which causing fatigue, so that would make sense why ive not felt ive had the energy recently to go to the gym or move even in the evenings.

Your day is looking good Sue, i dont know what to do about my fruit intake as I cannot afford it, too expensive!! Because it rots lol!
Guess i should just up my veg intake in the form of soup :)
why dont u try frozen fruit, u can use it in fruit salad and things

oh I might try yoghurt over my fruit and fibre in the morning means I can have more tea with milk lol

ano am quite worried about the weekend aswell hopefully I can stay sensible lol

at least u have found out what the rash is and now get tablets to help fix it,
There isn't anything they can give me for it which sucks!!!

I had a cornish pasty yesterday which was 22.5 syns so ive GOT to have a good weekend, although after today ill still be under my weekly syns so its not toooo bad! :S

Only 2 weeks until bfs aunties wedding! Brought a dress yesterday in coast! Its beautiful! Coast Stores - Duchess Satin - FANTASIA DUCHESS SATIN DRESS
Ive got it in the pebble colour! And wait for it....its a size 10!!! And im not a size 10 lol im a definate 12, so really chuffed!! :)

Hows everyones day going??
thats brill go u hannah, I would kill be to a 10/12, am still a bloody 14 pushing 16 lol

I will have to check ur dress out later

my day is goin ok...

breakfast - fruit and fibre (hex b) yoghurt and raspberries

snack - melon and grapes

lunch - mug shot, 2 x ryvita and more melon and grapes , 1 x cheese triangle

dinner - have not decided yet
How did you find the fruit and fibre with yoghurt??

Your day is looking really good! By me having the yoghurt in the morning leaves my hxA open for cheese on this jacket potato making it aloooot nicer lol
yea well thats what I thought I get two hex so I can have more milk now with my tea and stuff lol

I thought it was lovely, but dunno if i would have it every morning before work I would have prefered if i had more time to eat it lol cause it felt so naughty

am finding today really difficult, I feel starving I have ran out of fruit and the crisps in the vending machine are calling me

how is everyone else doing?
Ive done ok, but have just found out I havent been enrolled on my uni course like i should have been so am MAJORLY annoyed and upset. They have taken money but im not on the course?!?! So im going to write an angry letter grr. Also im babysitting tonight so its going to be very difficult to stay on the straight and narrow today when i feel so rubbish and its star week too. This sucks.

Try a packet of snack a jacks Sue, the sort out my crisps cravings and are yummy!!

Hope all this doesnt send me over the edge this weekend. I really have to try to stop this emotional overeating!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!
awk hannah thats crap, how can they do that, what were u hoping to study

well thankfully I didnt eat anything and had a veg curry for dinner

Just found out some crap news, my friend thats getting married next year and am bride maid had told me we werent getting measured until end of jan but she has now changed it to 27th nov which is in two weeks time,

I really dont want to get measured at this weight I wanted to get my 3 stone award so am really going to try and make myself less bloated over the next two weeks

any ideas????
Decrease your carbs..? Id try some red days maybe?

I've messed up, knew I would! Had wraps x4, ham slices, tiny bit of cheese, regae regae chicken, and tortilla chips :( why did I mess up??

Were both on 2 week schedules now then, hence me trying a fish week then success express! Can't believe I've messed up tonight after being good all week grrr

Was hoping to finish off my business management degree!!! :'(