I ended up on Trauma, a 16h2 hanovarian thoroughbred cross with a very bouncy trot which I had trouble with to start with
He was lovely. Willing to work once I convinced him I wasn't going to be a walk over but he still made me actually have to ride him properly because he wasn't you average riding school horse
Next week I am riding a New Forest Arab cross. I'll give Louise her due, she is making me work hard and not letting me get too settled
I got my hat, it is a perfect fit and is a kiddies one, I bought a schooling whip and I have a second hand rain jacket on its way to me so that's me kitted out. I'll think about body protectors when I move onto to learning to jump properly.
Louise asked me the stand up in my stirups and balance whilst walking Trauma round the menage. My face must have fallen big style because she asked what was wrong. I explained that the last time she asked this I couldn't support my own weight to get the balance and that was why I didn't return.
This time was different. Supporting my own weight was not even remotely a problem and I had no trouble finding my centre of gravity so that the balance was there and it wasn't difficult

So different to my March experience.
My confidence on a horse is returning because I know what 4 things I have to do to get me back to where I was pre weight gain.
1. I have to get some muscles in my core and legs.
2. I have to work of becoming more flexible through my back.
3. I have to lengthen my legs and keep my heels down so stop me losing my stirups on occasions which I get so disappointed in myself for doing. Acually I find it easier to ride witout stirups (until I get knackered) so I think I have them too short.
4. I have to learn the layout of the indoor school and the exercises so that when Louise asks for a particular exercise, I don't feel like an idiot trying to work out where 'A' is

and it becomes second nature.
Roll on Friday again