I had another excellent lesson today but it was what happend before and after that really got my juices going.
I didn't even recognise Joy and she had been tidied up beyond belief. I spoke to one of the grooms about the routine for working livery horses. The livery fee includes all food and haylage. The only extras are worming, shoeing, vets and insurance and any change of horse apparel etc.
The general concensus was that given the quality of the horse and the amount of kit that she has with her, £1950 is about right. I have my hack booked in for next week so that will be fun. I haven't hacked out for agaes and I just hope the weather improves.
I am going to start going down to the stables even when I am not riding and just helping out. Donna has said that she will train me up the BHS way even though they don't do everything by the book (who does?) so that at least I know the rules I choose to break and then it's up to me if I decide to go for the exams. To be honest I don't see the point, I just want to learn so I can then adapt, I don't need to prove I have learnt.
As far as the working livery agreement goes, The exclusive right of use to Joy on the Sunday does not preclude you from riding on other days and you can go in or call up to see if she is due to work at any time. She doesn't tend to get used during the day and weekdays so I should be able to ride whenever I want anyway.
I let the office know about the conversation I had with the owners and said that given the circumstances with the grandad buying the horse and then passing on the idea situation would be for me to take on the bills and have Joy as a loan because I can only ride when my daughter is at school which would leave Joy available for riding during the school holidays for the daughter. This would mean that the daughter still owns her and would get to ride when she needs to and I get to ride when I need to without having to buy or be responsable for vets bills, the perfect solution!
I explained that I wouldn't phone the owners again though because I wouldn't want to be seen as pestering but if they came in - which the father is always in - then if they could mention it then I would be grateful. That would be the perfect solution as far as I'm concerned.
Either way, I get to spend as much time as I want down the stables getting that closeness with horses that I crave and it doesn't cost a bean. The spending will come in if I want to ride more often (which I obviously do!) but it could be £30 during term time (only £8 a week more than my private lesson) or £30-40 all year round plus the initial investment.
I am going to make things happen for myself thanks to boofaloo's lead