Full Member
I dont know how to remove that pie chart now...... its not longer right so please ignore it, i still ate too much protein though!!!
Thankyou how are you finding it?
Hiya and welcome your off to a flying start and food choices are varied which is always a good thing xx
i woke up at stupid o'clock and couldn't get back off, feel lazy as a result xx hope your day brightens up Shelbs x
Hi Shelby.
All I can do is tell you two things - Atkins, when you stick to the plan, is brilliant for binge eaters. The longer you're in ketosis the less you crave sugar - or even really like it. Over on another forum there are several binge eaters who find as long as they avoid carbs, they don't binge. The same is true for me, and I used to have outrageous binges.
The second thing is that if you're not able to control the carb binges, Atkins is pretty awful. High fat/low carb is a great diet. High fat/high carb is the fastest way possible to put on weight. Atkins works great but only if you're able to stick to it. It's not friendly to people who can't, for whatever reason.
If you need to sort your head out before you can stick to a plan, that's nothing to feel bad about. You need to do what's right for you. Atkins will always be here.