August challenge - all welcome

It has been a good week for me 3lb :D

Now I have to keep it off.

CatCrazy (190.6) 10lbs - 0lbs lost - 10lbs to go
Princess_Jader (241) 8lbs - 0lbs lost - 8lbs to go
Missjlouise (178) 14lbs - 1lbs lost - 13lbs to go
Ang2252 7lbs - 1 1/2lbs lost - 5 1/2lbs to go
CurvyKat 10lbs - 4 1/2lbs lost - 5 1/2lbs to go
Confucius 10lbs - 0lbs lost - 10lbs to go
Happyem72 7lb - 7lbs lost - 0lbs to go
x Alex x 6lb - 0lb lost - 6lb to go
Sayyes 10lb - 1.5lb lost - 8.5 to go
Well done on the losses girls!
My birthday is this Friday and an Italian feast will be marking it, followed by plenty of alcohol. I'm slightly dreading next weeks WI already. I hope my will power does me proud and I don't go overboard.