Silver Member
Unofficial 3lb loss. Weighed myself in Boots. Hope to confirm it in group tomorrow!! 
dmboanas said:Annya 5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Ayo Ayu 9lbs (0lbs lost ~ 9lbs to go)
BikerAngel 5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
dmboanas 6lbs ( 0lbs lost ~6lbs to go )
Catmonkey 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Cherry-Blossom 14lb (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
CLAIREA - 13lbs off (0lb lost ~ 13lb to go)
Claire86 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost ~ 5lb to go)
Conlou1 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Diamond Daisy 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Dreamslim 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Fairy3852 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Ffynnon 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
GrannieAnnie 5lbs (0lns lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Gunsandbanjos 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
HelsAngel 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
HodgeyPodgy 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Holidaygirl10 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Illbethin1day 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
JaneB 10lb (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
Katoof 8lb (0lbs lost, 8lb to go)
Kelly-1984 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Kerry2285 5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Latte 3lbs (0lbs lost ~ 3lbs to go)
Lily42uk 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Little Bubblez 8.5lbs (0lb lost, 8.5lb to go)
Littlemeercat No amount mentioned?
Louisa_Jane 6lbs (olb lost - 6lb to go)
Lyndawood1958 10lbs (0lbs lost, 10lbs to go)
Madmavey 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Mummyto2monkeys 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Princess01 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Rattymum 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
rozybaby85 8lb (0lb lost ~ 8lb to go)
Safia 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Sam 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Sassia 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
SlimmerGirl 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Small_Jaxy 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
Soontobeskinny 14lbs (0lbs lost ~ 14lbs to go)
Skinnyminx 8.5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8.5lbs to go)
Starlit_Cazza 10lbs (0lb lost, 10lb to go)
Sueschoices 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Sugarpuff Sophie (0lb lost ~ 10lbs to go)
surreygal 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
TrimTrixy 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 6lbs to go)
WelshCake 5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 5 to go)
Welshchick 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go
conlou1 said:well i went swimming and did a solid 40 minutes of lengths and feel a lot more positive about things now, sat with my mackerel pate (sw style of course) and carrot sticks and celery. back on track now. i told all my friends i cant afford to go out for a few weeks as i have lots of birthdays etc so that is a good excuse to not go out on a weekend and blow it by drinking then bingeing. im going to aim to go swimming 3 times a week aswell, more to tone up than lose weight and i find it really relaxing. how does everyone else exercise? and have you increased itto try and boost weight loss during this challenge ?
I would love to go swimming but am not brave enough to go yet. I really need to up my exercise regime. Not done any for a couple weeks.