Total Solution August starters?

Morning everyone these posts do make laugh and keep me motivated. Hello to everyone new and old, not that I'm saying u r old :) so thought I would give an update I have now lost 1 stone, been 100% for 10 days so now weigh 11/13 whoo hoo! Hope everyone has a great day and thanks for being so supportive :)
Ooh well done daisy day! Ur the same as me now :) u got far to go till ur target now? I have one in mind just not really sure.

What's ur targets then ladies?

I'm 5'8 hoping to get in the 9's to 10's eventually. But that is very wee i think maybe too far?

1st lost so far! 11st 13lbs!!! (updated daily)
Morning tink, my target is 9 stone so got 3 stone to go!! It seems like such a lot to go :( I'm 5 5 and that was my weigh before the 3 kids so fingers crossed I can stick to this and get to target. I think the 9 s or 10's is a good weight for u, I c that ur lovely and tall, I'm just a short arse :)
I am only 3 inches taller hun. ;) last time i was in the 9's i was in child size clothing, that is what makes me wonder if that could be a bit far see. So to hover between maybe 9 1/2 and 10st would be good. In a size 12 now, some times a 14 but would love to own some size 10 clothes. I bought my dress for my 30th yesterday on ebay, i'll go find a pic hold on

1st lost so far! 11st 13lbs!!! (updated daily)
This is my dress! Total bargain at just 99p! Lol

1st lost so far! 11st 13lbs!!! (updated daily)


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a thinner me said:
Hiya everyone,

Back from Champneys and just spent the last hour and a half trying to catch up on here!

Ok, so WI news for me is 10lbs for the first week. WI yesterday as scheduled but have been eating food at Champneys as didn't want to lose out on the whole experience. I had planned for this anyway. It was all super healthy food so I don't think there will be too much damage!

Hello and welcome to all the new starters. Good luck for your first week.

Hope anyone here isn't having trouble with the rioting now. What is this country coming to? :-(

Wow well done:)
@ tink ur dress is gorgeous 99p????? Wow think I might start shopping on e bay! Phew uve been super busy 5 kids before 30, blimey :) I'm 38 (sob sob sob) but still the mentality of a youngster don't think that ever changes ;) I'm trying to get fit before the big 40 and find a new man in my life, I've been single for too long now :)
@ thinner me, well done on ur weigh loss that's fab :) :)
Daisyday said:
@ tink ur dress is gorgeous 99p????? Wow think I might start shopping on e bay! Phew uve been super busy 5 kids before 30, blimey :) I'm 38 (sob sob sob) but still the mentality of a youngster don't think that ever changes ;) I'm trying to get fit before the big 40 and find a new man in my life, I've been single for too long now :)

I had 3 when i was 19.... My eldest is very nearly a teenager. My girls are 11 and 10 then the wee boys are 1 and 2. People often seem to assume we just had nothing but babies for the last 5 years see but it's not the case. I was a single parent for 7 years as my older kids dad is a bit of a knob. We intended to have 1 child between me and sy but i got caught pregnant whilst breastfeeding so oakley is our little suprise! ;)

Buying a people carrier was probably my saddest moment though. Had to give up my ford focus which was my baby *sob*

1st lost so far! 11st 13lbs!!! (updated daily)
Wow tink ur a brave woman! Ppl do be in shock wen I say I hav 3 and am 27! Iv a 6th old from a knob( god wonder if it's d same knob lol ;) ) and a 2 yr old and 1 yr old! The 1 yr old was a huggggggeeee but very welcoming suprise:) I was on ww wen I became preggers on Robyn and had lost over a stone only to put it all bac on ugh sigh lol
Lol lol I've got 3 to two different knobs ;) lots of knobs going about te he :)
Do u find it a bit annoying though? No offence on anyone here but i generally get asked these questions.

Are they all yours? (well, duh. Yeah!)
Do u not own a tv? (yes in my house there are 4 actually and 2 in the car)
Never heard of contraception? (yep, hand me two bricks and i will do a diy job on sy...)

And the number one bug bear of mine....

I bet we are all paying for those kids?

(actually no, i have a business i run from home and my other half works full time, we probably support u though!)

Lol sorry but it hits a nerve a bit. I should say we are planning one more just to hear the sound of a jaw hitting concrete.....

1st lost so far! 11st 13lbs!!! (updated daily)
Daisyday said:
Lol lol I've got 3 to two different knobs ;) lots of knobs going about te he :)

Very true. Why are the knobs always so darn fertile though???

1st lost so far! 11st 13lbs!!! (updated daily)
@ tink, the more kids the better!! If I had started younger (I was 28) and not been drawn to dickheada I would have loved more than 3. At 38 I can't c me having more to b honest I guess it's time for me to focus on me and my career, but hats of to u :)
@ willow sent u a fb request - hope that's ok it's Sarah :)
Morning peeps :)

I've finally got through the first week! WI this morning and I've lost 10lbs in total :D and that was TOTM too so very, very pleased! Roll on week 2!
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lauryn said:
Morning peeps :)

I've finally got throughout the first week! WI this morning and I've lost 10lbs in total :D and that was TOTM too so very, very pleased! Roll on week 2!

Well done chicken!! Keep up the good work xx

Sent from my iPhone love n hugs Kel xx
lauryn said:
Morning peeps :)

I've finally got through the first week! WI this morning and I've lost 10lbs in total :D and that was TOTM too so very, very pleased! Roll on week 2!

Yay lauryn!!!! Wtg hunnie!!!!!xx

1st lost so far! 11st 13lbs!!! (updated daily)
Hiya guys day 3 for me today I'm so so tired baba been up half the night and I feel a bit weak but just had my first shake so see how I feel after that hope your all good xxx

Sent from my iPhone love n hugs Kel xx
Oh kel :( not good. Try and chillax a bit, and have an extra pack, i found that really helped.x

Just having my first pack of the day. 11 veg soups landed today, lovely! I have a new fav! :)

1st lost so far! 11st 13lbs!!! (updated daily)