Ha ha. It's a lifetime passion of mine! All carefully kept in drawers. Saddo!!!
Anyway good luck with today. I keep looking round my house and seeing the kids Easter eggs which still remain. Must be strong!!! It's a peanut Exante bar for me for lunch!
Ah I did locate and destroy unfortunately. Fell RIGHT off the wagon last night for some reason. Decided I needed a bagel with peanut butter and it just went from there. Oops! So I'm 2lbs up this morning which is just bloody annoying. Back to it this morning with a product and some water.
Go go Ava on day 2!
Ah I did locate and destroy unfortunately. Fell RIGHT off the wagon last night for some reason. Decided I needed a bagel with peanut butter and it just went from there. Oops! So I'm 2lbs up this morning which is just bloody annoying. Back to it this morning with a product and some water.
Go go Ava on day 2!
So cross with myself though ! And having doubts I can do this last bit . Annoying!
How we all getting on?
Thanks so much Honey. Day 3 ahhhh. Im properly 11 12 today. Yay. Its a good feeling.
Aw best of luck. Ull fly it. Keep shaking and have a great day too
Thanks Curve and Honey![]()
Day 3
So Ive managed to get to day 3. Again.Im pretty happy and seem to be back in the shaking zone but have to keep trying at it. Im not gonna get complacent. I tried on my wee dress for next weeks party and its a biteen tight. Im hoping to lose 6lbs in the week bringing me to 11st 6.
Then the wedding is the following thursday. So I could be 11st 3. Im doing a very mini refeed. Bold I know.
Hope everyone having a great friday evening