ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

I can't even go to work, he's gonna be there. Think I'll ring in sick today.

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Dubchick81 said:
Chick hold yer head up high and bite the bullet!
You've done nothing to hide away from... It'll only be harder the longer its dragged out..
I take it you've still not heard from him then?! xx

I'm not going in. I haven't slept a wink or anything. I want to eat but feel sick.
No I haven't heard anything from him at all. He didn't bother texting or calling.
I will go in tomorrow and try to put on my "I'm fine" face. X

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Well I'm ok one minute and next minute I'm bawling. Something just arrived in the post for christmas for him, this day is getting worse and worse. I have presents under the tree for him and everything.

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Aww.. stupid fricken post man!!! :(
Sending big hugz hunnie..
Try not upset yerself too much chic.. Things may still work out.. I dont know what happened, nor do I want to kno but sometimes time to calm down and realise what u'v lost/are losing, is enough to make u realise how much u want it..
If he can't be bothered contacting me or anything then I don't see the point really, do you? He just gave up at the first hurdle. Anyway he makes me feel like sh1t at the best of times. I'm not the thin, sporty, skirts 'n' heels girl he wants but I'll do... That's not a good enough offer for me.

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You've just said it Sarah, and for him to want you to be something that your not then he's no where near good enough for you.
Never ever be 2nd best to anyone. You deserve more than that:)

Oh well, I trump his "list" apparently because ya know... I'm a "nice" girl. Great. Like I don't feel insecure enough about how I look. Sheesh. I hate feeling like I'm not good enough, its a terrible feeling. I wish he had at least text to see if I'm alright.

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Honey I think you've said it all yourself. Give yourself time to calm down, think about whats happened. Go into work tomorrow and as Francis says bite the bullet. He obviously isn't the one for you (you were too good for him), you'll meet someone who treats you with the repect you deserve. Lots of luv and please vent away here, better out than in xxxxxx
I just think and feel like he's either trying to mould me into something I'm not or that he's just "making do" with me because he knows damn well that his "type" is miles out of his league anyway! But I mean, that's not really fair on me. You'd think he was a bloody casanova the way he goes on. If he isn't going to make the effort to be with me and treat me with the respect & attention I need then I don't see the point. I don't feel special with him and in fact, he's made my insecurities worse by validating the bad things I think about myself.
I will go in tomorrow, trying to get some sleep today... My mind is racing! X

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Sarah ... If this man tells you all the time your not good enough ... Then your better off without him .... You want a man who loves you for you .... He sounds like he needs to do a bit of growing up if you ask me, sounds like hes after a supermodel .. But even they are far from perfect .... Xxxx
In all honesty hun.. I think ur far too good for him!!
But its not about what anyone else thinks at the end of the day..
But if he's making u feel like u'v just described my advice is to dust yerself off, hold ur head high, and move on.. Dont let him bring u down.. ur a stunning, beautiful young woman who can hav anything she wants... If he can't see that then he doesn't deserve ya.. xxx
Exactly dubchick. You should feel good about yourself I had that with an ex and I ended up getting I'll and suffering from panic attacks, but the partner I'm with now makes me feel great and that's how it should be. Go to work be strong you can do it and in a month or so time you will think what was I doing there! It is always hard at first
I've just never had someone in my life who makes me feel as fat and ugly as he does. I feel like I just pale in comparison to all these other women he wants. I hate feeling so worthless. I dunno what'll happen but if he's not even trying then that says it all to me.

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Forget him sarah ... Millions of men would jump at the chance to be with you ..... Plus your only young ... Dont settle for second best xxxx
Look Hun I don't know you that well or the situation but I can't see this getter any better y advice is read back what you have we're about how he makes you feel and I think you have your answer you are worth more than that's. He should bloody think himself lucky men are so stupid sometimes, I think your better off without him x
He was supposed to be a nice guy. He told me he would make me feel good about myself. But he makes me feel worse than I ever have. Gonna be hard to forget him, we were friends for 3 years and work in the same place.

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