ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Yeah. I can't help feeling miserable right now. What am I supposed to do? I feel like the guy for me is just not out there and that I should just stay alone rather than having to deal with this type of situation? I'm so sad and crying and its like he doesn't even care, he hasn't even contacted me at all. It makes it harder knowing he doesn't care. I feel like I shouldn't care either.

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I kno exactly what ya mean. When Kevin n me finished I was devastated but determined to stick with my decision. Like u he made me feel crap about myself. I'd known for a long time we weren't gone last but the thought if being on my own n everything changing scared the bejaysus outta me. Took my 5 years to finally get the courage to walk. I was sad of course. That was 5 years, a life built with each other. Although we didn live together but still. I look back now n thank God for finally giving me the courage to walk away. We cud hav carried on again n made all the false promises again n lied that we were gona change but it wasn't meant to be...
No-ones expecting anything of ya hun. Jus do what's right for u. Regardless of what anyone else thinks... It's ur life. Ur relationship. Jus remember we're here for ya xx
This day is just dragging. I just want to go home, I've already been in tears 3 times. I wish I didn't care. I need some angsty music maybe lol...

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Earphones in might have been a bad idea. Loads of songs in my work iTunes are songs he sent me. I need a good girl power song methinks lol!

No. He hasnt acknowledged me at all. I'm the only one upset it seems.

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Hi, I've been silently following a few diaries for a while as I'm only new to weight watchers. Read what happened to you and I feel so bad. Something similar happened to me before and it may just be a case that you haven't contacted him and he hasn't contacted you as he's waiting on you. Not saying that's right but that might be the case. I don't know anything about your relationship and I can't say who is in the right or wrong here with this argument as we.don't have, or need any details but if I was you I would write him a big long ltter mentioning how he makes you feel. How you think he really wants a supermodel and settled with you, how he makes you feel so insecure etc. because they are the things that if you do patch up this argument you HAVE to talk through. And you might not be as honest with lovey dovey goggles on as you have been here. If he continues to make you feel bad you have to leave. I've seen my friend with a guy who constantly commented subetly but negatively about her weight, she was a size 10-12. He used to praise her if she turned down dessert r say oh im so proud of X she only ate a salad today etc. She dropped two dress sizes in two months, became si self concious she wouldnt wear a bikini in frint of us even though we had seen her at size 14 too and eventually stopped going out altoghether. Thankfully after 6 years they split up, shes now with a lovely guy who treats her well and shes back to her normal size 10/12 size again which suits her. She goes out alk the time with us now and is smiling!
Please please don'tget back into that relationship without telling him your feelings and feeling like he genuinely is shocked and wantsbto change immediately and then becomes a more supportive boyfriend. I hope whatever happens that it works out for the best for you. Save your weeklies and go on a mad girly night out on the weekend, . When I'm mad any aerobic activity makes me relax and clears my head. Running as fast as you can then walking it off and repeat! :) get some kelly clarkson. shes the queen of situations like this...dince you've been gone etc.
Amigurami, thats the thing.. he knows exactly how he makes her feel as she's been here before.. not quite finished but he knows!!
Personally I think he wants to keep her self confindence down because she is beautiful and he knows he's not the only one lookin!!
Not only is Sarah beautiful on the outside, but she has a gem of a personality too.. She deserves nothing less than the best.. And he is not it!!!
I am meeting my friends on saturday and can't wait for that.
I've decided irreplacable by beyonce and these boots are made for walking by nancy sinatra are pretty good girl power songs ;)
Must get some kelly clarkson, need to feel better and pick myself up. Doesn't help that I'm breaking out in spots cuz I'm stressed...
Don't need to worry about saving weeklies because I haven't been eating much.
He knows exactly how he's made me feel. I don't think I should contact him... I'm not going to chase him. If anyone should do the chasing its him because he was in the wrong and knows it but he just can't be bothered by the looks of things. Thats fine. If he isn't even going to _try_ then I don't want to waste much more tears and time on him.

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You're absolutely right hun.. But I also know how much easier that is to say than do.. You're worth a million of him chic.. Maybe he's sulking coz he's realised what a d1ck he's been to ya and is embarrassed by his actions.. You don't know.. So please don't assume he doesn't care.. Am sure he does but is too macho to be honest about it..
Yeah girly time is the best medicine for a breakup. Irreplaceable is a good apt song! Also as you said Kelly Clarkson since you been gone or her new one mr know it all is good too :) keep strong! Xz
I'm in bits here, we always have lunch together. I feel so lonely.

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Keep strong Hun!! The first time u do things wivout him will b hard but then will get easier! This time next week u won't giv a **** where he is at lunch time xx
But I do care. I love him. Feel very down.

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