ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

*Claire-Bear* said:
Sarah, dont worry im mrs negative too ..... sometimes things just feel they always go wrong all the time .... we can do this ;)

Yes you can, we all can and we all get negative I'm sure we have all been through bad times and we've obviously got trough them so it shows we can, and we will all support each other on here. Hope you all have a lovely Xmas and Santa brings you all what you wish for:)
Yes you can, we all can and we all get negative I'm sure we have all been through bad times and we've obviously got trough them so it shows we can, and we will all support each other on here. Hope you all have a lovely Xmas and Santa brings you all what you wish for:)

Aawww thankyou !! your right tho ..... everyones been down so low they think they wont get up again but we all pull thru .... i hope you have a lovely xmas too :D :109:
*Claire-Bear* said:
Aawww thankyou !! your right tho ..... everyones been down so low they think they wont get up again but we all pull thru .... i hope you have a lovely xmas too :D :109:

I know it's silly, your all lovely beautiful girls and very lucky. We will all hit our goals this year! I'm telling myself this as well ha ha
Ah you girls are such a bunch of sweeties! :D xx course we will all hit our goals. I need to make 2012 a good year for sure!
Ugh... Its weigh day. I feel kinda heavy if you know what I mean? Dreading weighing in hehe...

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azwethinkweiz said:
Ah you girls are such a bunch of sweeties! :D xx course we will all hit our goals. I need to make 2012 a good year for sure!
Ugh... Its weigh day. I feel kinda heavy if you know what I mean? Dreading weighing in hehe...

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I know what you mean I'm feeling it today but it's * week for me. Good luck!
Well done on loss Sarah.

And you can make 2012 a brilliant year. Even small things are an achievement. It'll definately be your slimmist year in a while:D. And the first year you've completed the Couch to 5k:rolleyes: and whatever else you put your mind too.

Have you ever read 'The secret'. My mum is really really really negative and since my sister gave her this she is more positive (not saying your like my mum but it could help). It shows you how to look at things in a positive light.

I'm fairly positive, don't get me wrong I go through stages were I'm negative and down, but I can usually see the bright side eventually lol. Like just past we thought we couldn't get enough together for our mortgage payment which was extremely scary and stressful, but then I was thinking that it definately brought me and my hubby back to how we were at the start, more caring and supportive of each other. Everything has at least one positive if you look for it, thats my motto!!!:cool:hehe xxxxxxx
Thanks Laura, I do need to try harder to look at things in a positive light! I've never read that book but I heard of it before. I will have a look for it next time I'm in town... I'll try anything :) xx

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I'm going to pick that book up too! I am miss negativity all the time. I call it being a realist tho ;) ha that's what I tell my boyfriend when he has a go at me for being pessimistic and thinking the worst all the time.

Maybe that's a new years resolution for me right there! Stop with the negativity!

starkissedx said:
I'm going to pick that book up too! I am miss negativity all the time. I call it being a realist tho ;) ha that's what I tell my boyfriend when he has a go at me for being pessimistic and thinking the worst all the time.

Maybe that's a new years resolution for me right there! Stop with the negativity!


Oh my god! That's what I say too! I get given out to for being negative I just say "I'm not being negative, I'm just being realistic"

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Hi sugar! So sorry I wasn't here when u were having a crap time! U are absolutely stunning - would love to look like u! Don't let anyone beat u down! That's all I will say because u kno my opinion on the boy! Lol Hugs! If u decide to go to doc hope they help!

Sarah hun
Sounds like u had a bad time, i hope it will all turn out ok soon n u can enjoy xmas babe x take care of urself x
I'm alright Liz hon, I'm trying to be positive this week. Looking forward to hols and trying to take some time to myself :) x
Dubchick81 said:
Welcome home wishbird :)

Hi sweetie
Hope ur well? Love the new prof pix xx
azwethinkweiz said:
I'm alright Liz hon, I'm trying to be positive this week. Looking forward to hols and trying to take some time to myself :) x

Good for u hun xx indeed make sure u treat urself defo xx ;-)
Dubchick81 said:
Aww thank you hunnie... ur lookin fab in urs... swit swoo.. how was the hols? x

Aw thanks bak at ya hunni x hols were aamazzing ta babs x i will try n put sum pix on soon x
Feeling quite lonely this week.