ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Oh aye, just feeling a bit lonely is all. There isnt really anyone around this time of year, I've spent the last few days sitting at home mostly. Just bored of things I suppose.
Yeah well Sean isn't exactly overly friendly the last couple days and wants time to himself so he doesnt "lose" his "identity" or some sh1te so I don't even have him to hang around with at the moment. Will try and see my friends this week before Christmas. Maybe go shopping a bit, try and find myself some new jeans or something nice. Dunno. In a rut, need to pick myself up but dont have the motivation to do so at the moment lol!!
Don't worry about him.. His prides been dented coz u called the shots last week.. He needs time to lick his wounds.. Soon as he needs/wants something he'll be in touch!!
Just make sure he's not just saying that coz his mates are having Christmas nights out n he wants to go to them but doesn't wana ask u along.. Kevin used to tell me he "needed a break/early night" and go out with his mates.. Soon as the weekend was over it'd be "I love you/I wana be with you/I'v realised ur whats important..........." Dont be a fool like I was... x
Man, that sounds like my ex actually! A guy called Barry who I went out with for 2 years... he was borderline alcoholic though. Ridiculous things I went through with him. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Hmm, I think he's trying to turn it all around now on me so he can call the shots. I just want it to be equal. He's going back and forth a bit on the same things. Like one minute he's saying he needs time to himself, next he's saying I don't ask to see him enough. What does he want? Me to ask to see him _all_ the time (and be called possessive) so he can say yay or nay to me as he likes? Sheesh.
Yea Kevin had a wee gambling problem.. I said 'had' but he 'has' it still.. Its just not my problem anymore!!! Can't believe the years wasted on him!!! Oh well.. Lived and learnt!!
Kevin used to call me posessive too.. Even tho when he was going out I'd offer him money and to drop him here there n everywhere.. But when I was going out I got "oh ya going out? Aw-right.. I thought we cud sit in n get a DVD or something.. We'v not really spent much time together lately" guilting me into cancelling my nites out..
Or he'd tell me he was wrecked n having an early night n then go out with his mates...
They'v a gift of turning things to being our fault.. I think they go to a secret class when they hit puberty
Mmm, he doesnt seem to mind me doing things with friends or anything luckily enough. He claims I've stopped him doing things with his and he feels he has to sit at home? But I've no idea where the hell that came from because I've never had a problem with him seeing his friends at ALL? I think its just a defence mechanism... trying to get me to think I'm at fault for everything so he doesnt have to feel like he's done anything wrong. I feel like I'm walking on egg shells all the time now.
I'm sure I dont need to tell ya that's not a good way to be..
Kevin hated me going on the p1ss with my mates.. hated it!!
Yea he used to say I go mad when he goes out, that WHY he lied to me.. Eh yea.. good excuse!!!
Not once did I ever give out when he was going out with his mates.. In fact I encouraged it coz then it meant I could go out hassle free!! Shouldn't have needed to do that but I did!!
After we finished I was in the pub n some of his mates were there.. We were chatting n it came up about him not being out with them when we were together.. They said they text him every weekend almost for us to go out.. What was my problem that I always said no.. I was like "eh.. news to me.. Kevin used to always tell me u's didn't like me so never asked him out!" They were disgusted!!
Yeah I dunno what I'm supposed to do bar forcing him out the door? He isnt big on going out on the piss same as myself but we still meet up with our friends to hang out. Or so I thought. Hate to think what he must be saying to them about me? Probably saying i wont "let" him do stuff or something? I wont lie, I did get mad when he fecked off to Cork that time I had to go into hospital... and then he didnt call me when he said he would to see how things were. I defo got mad about that but I mean, what am I supposed to do? Never ever be upset about anything... even once? I feel like he wants this perfect girlfriend who'll just go along with whatever he wants all the time. Feel like I'm banging my head against a wall sometimes.
That wouldn't be a girlfriend.. That would be decoration for his ego.. I mean arm!!! hee hee
I think there'd have been something wrong with you had you not been upset by that!!
I think I'd freak if Jono went to that wedding at all if I was in hospital.. I think it was very fair of u to just expect a phone call.. I mean that'd have taken 10mins, 15max...
It was the fact I was sitting waiting for this phone call and he made out he felt bad about going but it turned out that was bull and he was having too good a time to bother ringing me. And there's me sitting in pain and heading to hospital on my own freaking it. He seems to presume I don't want him to go out because of that? I can't read him at all. He acts like he wants me to ask to see him but then he'll call me possessive if I do. It's unreal and fairly confusing for me right now. Dunno where I stand anymore.

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Its so hard... In one hand U think "I dont want this.. this just makes me feel sh1t" and in the other U think "But I love him and dont wana be without him" Well that's how it was for me anyway... Walking away from Kevin was probably the hardest thing I'v ever done.. It was so hard to have him ringing/texting/mailing daily telling me he loved me and we cud get thru it.. he'd change.. He cud see now how he was hurting me and he'd never do it again.. I'm throwing everything away when we cud be really happy.. Late night phone calls when he was coming home from clubs.. Voice messages.. It was SOO hard... But it was the best decision I'v ever made
I dunno what's going to happen to be honest. When we're together we get along quite well and laugh all the time. But when we aren't we end up arguing about stupid things. He doesn't call or text or beg me to be with him like you describe... I have had that from an ex before though. At the moment I think he's only thinking of himself... Not the relationship. So I don't know yet what'll happen.

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Mind u.. All that calling n texting never happened if we fought from Thursday to Sunday.. Only if it was early in the week.. If it was close to the weekend it was "lets give each other space for a few days and see what we want".... Wide!!!
Jaysus that's desperate. He just ignores me for hours or days and doesn't call or text and then texts with "How are you? X" as if nothings happened... which infuriates me lol.

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Jaysus that's desperate. He just ignores me for hours or days and doesn't call or text and then texts with "How are you? X" as if nothings happened... which infuriates me lol.

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Yea Kevin used to do that too... Feckin' p1sses me right off..

The other night me n Jono had a fight..Well we didn't.. He went in a strop so I left him home n went home myself.. Wasn't in form of arguing.. Didn't hear a peep then for the night, which I was fine with coz I didn't wana hear from him..
Then I got a text Monday morning.. "You collecting me luv?" Grrrrr
Urgh! Really annoying when they do that isn't it? Men, the bane of my existence at the moment. Might knock off work early and go for a jog or something. Exercise supposedly perks people up. I fancy a movie, pity its midweek and everyone is busy lol!
If we lived closer sweetheart I'd come cinema with ya...
I'm having a sleepover tomoro night with my niece.. Can't wait.. We'v not had a sleepover in aaaaageesssss...
Am gona root out my DVD player and connect it up and get loadsa Christmas movies.. N I have a popcorm maker so we're gona make cinema popcorn.. I got the popcorn cartons (but they're plastic) in Urban Outfitters so its like real cinema ha ha ha..
Mind u... She does only be in the bed and she's alseep!!! h ah
I can always go to the movies on my own if I really _really_ feel like I need to get out of the house tonight lol. Although I've never gone on my own before!! Need to do something or I'll go mad hahaha!
Awh that sounds nice... I saw those popcorn things in urban outfitters actually.. cool! At least she's easy to get into bed and to sleep... my niece is desperate!