will hit target this time
You definitely can do it, you've come this far
sorry for being awol hun, had the most terrible month eating wise! But back on it now and we can all help motivate each other!! Happy new year! xxxxxxx
azwethinkweiz said:I'm gonna stick to my pp's today, I can do it!!xXx
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Dubchick81 said:U kno u can hun. U had been doin for months. Try not to think too much about stickin to it n ya'l do it. I find when yer thinkin about it n tryin too hard ya feel more hungry as yer thinkin about what ta "can't" have
Good luck x
azwethinkweiz said:That's exactly what happened yesterday. I haven't eaten today because I'm only out of bed and shower. Got NO sleep until half 6 this morning... Mental lol xx
Hopefully I have a good day. Craving a crisp sandwich aaargh! Pasta for lunch maybe... Hmm... X
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