ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Lol... I'm thinking a ww bagel for lunch maybe? Not sure what I'll put on it yet. Hmm...

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Todays diary 31st January
Shreddies n skimmed milk
Fruit pot

Light choices wrap

4pm snacky:
Toasted WW bagel
Maltesers -5pp

Homemade wedges + oil
Chicken rubbed in spices with oil
4tbsp. Beans

Fruit pot

Ok so I definitely think I may have eaten too much. I had a toasted bagel around 4pm with a coffee - should I count this?
Maltesers my OH had hidden in my desk, damn him (he's a sweetie though, thinks I deserve choccie when I have aunt flo visiting) xx

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I wouldnt worry hun, your intake looks fine :) Nice of your OH to give you the malteasers, totally would the hit the spot during TOTM! xx
starkissedx said:
I wouldnt worry hun, your intake looks fine :) Nice of your OH to give you the malteasers, totally would the hit the spot during TOTM! xx

Thanks hon. I feel like I've overeaten because of that bagel though :(

He tried to give me a malteaster bunny and a smarties easter chicken thing but I didn't eat them. ;)

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I saw them easter chicks in tesco..lindor eggs or creme eggs are amazing, so far i havent had any easter treats! It is a ww bagel though so alot less carbs and cals id say that a normal one x
starkissedx said:
I saw them easter chicks in tesco..lindor eggs or creme eggs are amazing, so far i havent had any easter treats! It is a ww bagel though so alot less carbs and cals id say that a normal one x

Have you seen the Cadbury creme egg splats???


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starkissedx said:
Noo they sounds yum tho what are they? I love the macdonalds creme egg mcflurry! X

I've not had any yet, there like little splat shape chocolates with creme egg fondant inside. I'm just sitting here looking at a cadburys creme egg debating whether to eat it or not...............I did go to the gym:)

I'm not a big ice cream fan so the mcflurrys are safe!

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azwethinkweiz said:
Thanks hon. I feel like I've overeaten because of that bagel though :(

He tried to give me a malteaster bunny and a smarties easter chicken thing but I didn't eat them. ;)

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Dont worry hun x it all sounds good x ;-)
Mrsm79 said:
I've not had any yet, there like little splat shape chocolates with creme egg fondant inside. I'm just sitting here looking at a cadburys creme egg debating whether to eat it or not...............I did go to the gym:)

I'm not a big ice cream fan so the mcflurrys are safe!

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If you've got the points then why not honey? I had me maltesers ;) and I had creme egg yesterday hehe! Mmm choccie! X

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Personally I'd count the bagel but that's just me. That to me is 4 meals. But then the plan says b sensible n eat til full so it's what u decide.
My rule us three meals n three sensible snacks... N if iv eaten til satisfied n each meal, I don't really b hungry in between. But it's what u decide... :D
See Francis I disagree, it says to eat till satisfied and you can eat what you want of the list when ever you are hungry. So If Sarah was hungry at 4 its on the list so she can go for it. I ate Breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper most days last week and still lost, even with the 90 weeklies. But I can see were your coming from, if your not usually eating that much then don't do it cause its free x
Ok. I'm not sure what to do really. I was hungry at 4 (my lunch didn't seem to entirely satisfy me so will be more careful of that tomorrow) and didn't want to eat junk (I know I frickin ended up eating maltesers anyways silly me!!). Think I'll just count it I guess - I'm afraid I might be overeating and gain otherwise :(

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MrsLmc said:
See Francis I disagree, it says to eat till satisfied and you can eat what you want of the list when ever you are hungry. So If Sarah was hungry at 4 its on the list so she can go for it. I ate Breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper most days last week and still lost, even with the 90 weeklies. But I can see were your coming from, if your not usually eating that much then don't do it cause its free x

That's exactly what I meant. Ha ha. Not very good at wording that. My point is exactly that. On a normal day, 'I' wouldn't have an extra meal jus coz now the plan says eat what ya want on the list... coz id b aware of the extra carbs first off, n cals. So on this plan I'D have a sensible extra snack, as wud b the norm when havin to point it... But as I said, that's just MY opinion.
azwethinkweiz said:
Ok. I'm not sure what to do really. I was hungry at 4 (my lunch didn't seem to entirely satisfy me so will be more careful of that tomorrow) and didn't want to eat junk (I know I frickin ended up eating maltesers anyways silly me!!). Think I'll just count it I guess - I'm afraid I might be overeating and gain otherwise :(

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Sarah its totally up to u what u decide. That's my opinion n what I'd do. Sure I was wanting to count half my cereal the other day coz I'd z bigger bowl than I'd usually have. I'm very aware if eating more just coz I can... Where usually I'd weigh my cereal so I clear knew I was havin more than usual. (Although now I'm full till lunch n not leppin' half hitour to an hour before so I think I'll hav the extra even when doin pp's. )
I never find 30g enough cereal to be honest? I like 40-50g LOL. Its hard to know sometimes? I would've had banana instead at 4 usually but my bananas were completely friggin green still... Gross! ;)

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azwethinkweiz said:
I never find 30g enough cereal to be honest? I like 40-50g LOL. Its hard to know sometimes? I would've had banana instead at 4 usually but my bananas were completely friggin green still... Gross! ;)

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Was hungry myself today at my usual half 3 banana break but had forgotten to get any so ha 2 belvita biscuits... :-(
30g usually keeps me going from 10 til usually 11:30.... But iv noticed now having an extra scoop keeps me goin til 12:30 :) Am talking porridge here btw :)
I'm utterly confused now?! Lol on sf can u eat free foods whenever u ate hungry?! It just at meals?

Looks like u are doing well Sarah! I'm always hungry lol... One bagel is restrained especially if u were hungry x
I think that snacking on a ww bagel is fabulous ....... Just think wat you'd snack on if you a) did a pp day b) wasn't on a diet atall ........ The art of sf is to eat wen your hungry ...... As the four times you ate could be classed as breakfast, dinner, tea and supper ... I wouldn't worry Sarah! Plus if you add up the calories of wat you ate today they only come to approx 1200 of which is the perfect amount you would eat to loose weight. Xxxxxxxx