ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Jaysus. Ye are mad. I've had a tough day. My mum was not very supportive of my decision to go to the doctor for medication again. Made me very down and I ended up using 10 weeklies today :(

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She asked what the doctor had given me and then looked surprised and said "why didn't you just tell her you were feeling sad". I had no idea what to say to that. But then I went and comfort ate and now I feel even worse.

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She asked what the doctor had given me and then looked surprised and said "why didn't you just tell her you were feeling sad". I had no idea what to say to that. But then I went and comfort ate and now I feel even worse.

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Maybe you should have an honest talk to your mum about how you really feel, it may be difficult but will help you both in the long run. (((hugs)))
Ha ha ha Laura.. He usually comes out n asks me for goodies.. tho i did force feed him last week ha ha ha..
Claire I dont usually go to those extremes believe me.. I can binge as well as the next person.. but I'm expecting a MASSIVE calorie intake on Saturday.. My friend is making us dinner so its homemade lasagne n homemade pavlova for dinner.. there'll be no have fat measures!!!! She's stick thin n doesn't believe in low fat!! And then a pubs worth of alcohol... so am being as good as possible til then.. then back to it Sunday... Will save everything n have 0pp everything up until dinner.. Nothing will be counted.. Will be my 1st day off plan this MONTH tho so as bad as will be, it'll be semi controlled...

Sarah i'd say its for those of us eejits who just quickly check the pack n think "oh thats good.. only 130 odd cals for the pack".... n find out later its not for the pack!!! grrrr
Sarah - big hugs. Did the doctor help? It's defo a decision that only u can make and not one u will take lightly. Parents try to help and don't realise they are generally hindering!

I think I might give sf a try in a week or two... Will need that list lol. X
Hope ur feeling better today hun x ur mum will understand in long run but yeah agree with others, its ur decision xx take care xx
If u need em n they help then great (hugs) :)
I feel like it is helping. Thing is, the doctor has put me on Xanax for a while - this is what surprised my Mum. But I feel like I'm not constantly worrying anymore already and I'm sleeping much better last couple nights. Its only for a few weeks anyway (benzos are highly addictive) and doctor wants to keep an eye on me. There are things I told doctor and might even tell you folk before I would admit to my Mum ,ya know? I dont want to upset my family or have them treat me differently.

Thanks though ladies x
Today is going ok so far - shreddies with skimmed milk for brekkie & a Wrap with chicken for lunch. Have had a fruit pot with pineapple, kiwi and grapes. Pineapple usually does not agree with my tummy but I was craving it today and hope I dont end up aching over it.

Have plans to do Week 7 Day 2 of C25k even though I've really not felt like it lately. Will persevere. Have no plans for dinner unfortunately :( Hopefully I can find something. Jacket potato if all else fails maybe! Hope everyone is well x
Day sounds great, I am with you on not feeling like exercising I will make myself do some tonight I have a 25 min routine to do but I'm so unmotivated this week it's unreal and I'm still feeling sorry for myself after my unfair gain but hey ho it could be worse let's look at the positives :)
Too true Babybelle. We'll try our best to make ourselves get up and exercise some lol. I need the weekend to come quicker!!!
Oo well if the tabbies help u hun u must hav needed em espec if they helping u sleep darlin, nowt worse than not sleeping!! Xxx :)
Today is a PP day as need to get rid of some food from freezer so thinking I'll eat a WW ocean pie for din dins today. Been a snacky day a bit too - will update later.
Glad to hear your feeling better Sarah ......... My mum sounds similar to yours, well maybe worse than yours .............. she isnt supportive of anything .. she rarely sees me and when i do arrange to meet with her, she cancels on me ....... is it bad that ive got my wedding dress fitting soon and i dont want her to come? i dont even no why she wants to come .............. shes never around, its all about my cousin and my mums sister ... never about me. She prob just feels guilty and wants to come to the fitting coz shes been apart of nowt else. (youve prob heard me say stuff before about my mum) and believe me, ive told her so many times i need her support. so, getting back to you ... i totally know how you feel and im glad you went out and sort help despite your mums failure to support you :) xxxxx
I just don't think people especially the older generation understand mental health issues, my mum lives a long way from me but I kno if I asked her to do anything for me then she would and she'll always support me and be there for me at the drop of a hat.

When I was on anti depressants and I went up to see her she kept on at me, 'are you still taking those' 'why are still on those' 'surely you don't really need those' 'come on see if you can go without' but I've never been entirely honest with my mum coz I don't think I could and I find it hard to be totally honest with anyone about my feelings anyway. Ive seen 2 councillors before and I couldn't even open up to them.

Sarah you've done fab going to the docs and if you are feeling better that's excellent. I think it's taken a lot of balls.


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Ah clairebear ur mum shud defo want to go with u to ur dress fitting but i know its all ur cousin! Hope u can still enjoy ur fitting x

I went on my own to my first dress fitting! I felt v sad! But i made my sister come with me second time lol, made meaning i asked her cos we live a bit away from eachother xx
I know how your mum is Claire so I don't blame you for kinda not wanting her there to be honest. I'd probably feel the same way.
I think my mum just thought I was a little down but its worse than that unfortunately and very hard to talk about. I can't imagine a counselor being much good to me either Tracy. X

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I know how your mum is Claire so I don't blame you for kinda not wanting her there to be honest. I'd probably feel the same way.
I think my mum just thought I was a little down but its worse than that unfortunately and very hard to talk about. I can't imagine a counselor being much good to me either Tracy. X

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:eek: im just glad i have my man, coz otherwise id be rather lonely :( but hey, thats life xxxxx

.... As for counsellor, ive had a couple ....... i found them not very helpful ... bare in mind i was talking about anorexia, depression etc .... and i found all i did was talk about my past and cry ....... maybe you could find a different type of counsellor who encourages positive behaviour, my friend is seeing one soon who does this xxxxxxxxxx
Ah clairebear ur mum shud defo want to go with u to ur dress fitting but i know its all ur cousin! Hope u can still enjoy ur fitting x

I went on my own to my first dress fitting! I felt v sad! But i made my sister come with me second time lol, made meaning i asked her cos we live a bit away from eachother xx

Aaaaw bless! Liz i have a horrible relationship with my mum, shes shown no interest in my wedding whatsoever ...... i dunno if you were apart of my convo about all this ... but basically coz of her lack of consern i have had to tell her off about 5 times now ... and on one of the occasions that she really upset me was cancelling a visit to my wedding venue so she could be with my cousin .... etc etc ... so im not overly infused with her at the mo, infact shes never been involved much ..

Thats lovely your sis came to your fitting ;););) xxxx
*Claire-Bear* said:
:eek: im just glad i have my man, coz otherwise id be rather lonely :( but hey, thats life xxxxx

.... As for counsellor, ive had a couple ....... i found them not very helpful ... bare in mind i was talking about anorexia, depression etc .... and i found all i did was talk about my past and cry ....... maybe you could find a different type of counsellor who encourages positive behaviour, my friend is seeing one soon who does this xxxxxxxxxx

Aw Claire I'm the same, very lonely. All I have down here is my Mr M and the kids, I have friends but not who I go out drinking or to the cinema or do girly things with. All my good friends live 250 miles away.

It's why I'm on here so much to you lovely lot:)

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Aw Claire I'm the same, very lonely. All I have down here is my Mr M and the kids, I have friends but not who I go out drinking or to the cinema or do girly things with. All my good friends live 250 miles away.

It's why I'm on here so much to you lovely lot:)

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Bless you Tracy ... Were very alike .... i have friends but not really good friends, work mates take a long time to aquire too and obviously you dont have that option with working alongside your hubby ... my best mate lives 30miles away but its not like havin them close .... and coz of work i rarely see her ... another reason why im on here alot too .... I joined netball to make friends, of which i have ... maybe you could join a specific group at the gym and meet people? xxxxxxxxxxxx