Oh rubbish! You are gorgeous! x And anyone, any man worthy of you should be able to look past your outside (not sure why they'd want to

) and see a beautiful, intelligent, compassionate lady with so much to give! I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must be for you but keep your head up, you're more amazing than you realise! Your ex damaged your self-esteem and isn't worth you, the damage he caused you will heal over time and you don't need a man to heal those wounds - you've got us!

*hugs* - it must be so hard having such an unsupporting family as well but you can do it

Believe in yourself, we believe in you! I'm sorry to hear about your rubbish day at work, but you'll get back into the swing of things, it just takes a while

don't be frustrated or upset with yourself, you don't realise how hard it's been for you and there's no need to be your own enemy if that makes sense. Here for you every step of the way, Sarah!
I guess i should introduce myself on a first name basis too
- Libby x (short for Olivia but I hate that, so!) - Jaly is just fine also