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Hope u feel better soon! U will get bk to exercise when u can eat 
Yea just be careful with the ex
Yea just be careful with the ex
Dubchick81 said:Ha ha.. Wouldn't it be great if we could and still lose?!
In fairness hun i think it best you sit this one out.. Especially as you've not been able eat much the last few days..
You're doing brilliantlly hun.. well done.. All you're going thru and u'v not given up.. OK some days are tough but all in all you'r sticking with it.. Fair play xxx
True that. Once I'm back eating properly, maybe my legs will want to walk again. I had to drive to the post office there... It's only down the road, I _never_ drive down the street lol!CarlyLanky140 said:Hope u feel better soon! U will get bk to exercise when u can eat
Yea just be careful with the exx
Jaly said:Oooh! yum! x Have a fab day hun!
azwethinkweiz said:I know. Now my mum wants me to take _her_ for coffee for _my_ birthday? I don't even want coffee, I'm in bed sick here!? Gods sake.
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