Loves Minimins!
Awww hun... U just need to avoid the bickering! It will be lovely when it comes
are ur outfits sorted? X
I had a sneaky WI this morning to see what the damage was from my over eating the last few days (thought the number on scales might shock me into being good). It said I'd lost 2lb? So... yeah... that can't be right. Maybe I need new scales lol!!
Sarah as long as you are eating under maintainence you will lose. I lost my weight quicker when I was supposed to be maintaining and eat 33pp a day. So don't worry, carry on as you are and be good to yourself. xx
Dubchick81 said:OMG is the wedding next week??? Feck that time has flown!!!
azwethinkweiz said:They are SO stressful. Honestly... I didn't realise how stressful it would be and it's not my wedding lol!!?
I'm tired just thinking about it hehe...
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