I've been crying pretty much every day for a week lol - I'll probably cry later. We're very emotional creatures, eh?!? Were you upset about something? I'm blaming hormones

I had enough.. I had 2 belvita for brekkie, no lunch but had a banana around 3pm. Then for dinner Mum made me a grill with sossies, bacon medallions, poached egg and crumpets. So didn't exactly starve myself yesterday. Today I've already used 20pp. I'm always like this when I'm really tired - I keep picking at sweet treats etc.
Yeah, my "mates" are pretty useless - I told her I was having a hard time and then didnt hear from her. She last text me on my bday when my Dad went into hospital and then 2 months went by with no contact. I don't have any proper friends - I just have my family. My sisters are my friends. That probably sounds sad...
Oh good luck with it hon - I'm sure it will all go ok. Let me know how you get on - hopefully the implant will be the thing to sort out your periods now once and for all! That provera did ya no good *hugs* x