Hey gang sorry for the lack off posting had a busy weekend !!!!!
My brother & his girlfriend were home and I was baby free as Sophie went to my sil's for the weekend so been out eating and drinking :-/ !!!
Not good for the waistline !!!!
Eeeekkkkkkkk back on plan today as best as I can have barely any fruit & veg in and need to go food shopping but can't go until tomorrow :-( !!!
My scales are showing 1 on so hoping to try abs shift that and claw back a maintain I have 3 days to try !!!!
Need to try and stick to as low syn as poss !!!
Also have no bread apart from thick white bread (kill me now!!!)
Will post my food diary shortly hoping to nip to the local shop on my way too the school run and grab some fruit and bread !!
We had a yummy syn free curry for tea last night
Chicken & spinach it was yummy !!!
I have some left too so will have that for lunch today
