Back again, hoping third time's a charm

Glad it's working for you. II've rewatched a few videos and am starting to thiink I should track protein for a week or so to learn more about how much protein is in the meats, eggs etc that I eat so I can get a feel for the level of protein suitable for me and then go back to being intuitive and not tracking.

What is the fast track 12 weeks @ 800 ? Is it vlcd or food? Do they use or recommend a commercial tracker app? If so I might use that for my protein tracking week.
Yes tracking for a while does give you an insight to your macros, then you can work by eye on how much protein in your portion sizes.

I think it is vlcd meal replacement.. i did it with food earlier this year with the fast 800, so there is an option, but from what i understand they are starting from a point of helping to break habits using vlcd meal replacements to remake them into healthier eating habits. I don't know how your area runs their programme but here's some info in the one in my area, should be pretty similar. They do have a tracker but its for the programme, i used to use sparkpeople to track mine but now they gone :( i've switched to fatsecret which is pretty good.

September update:
Loss for September 2lbs Current weight: 217lbs 15st7: 98.5 kg. Total weight loss 7stones: 98lbs: 45kg

It has been a month of weight swings, I have been putting on and losing the same few pounds all month even tho i have been reasonably good food wise, apart from eating outside my 10 hour eating window, but rarely above my max cal allowance on a few days. I've felt a little demoralized at the bounces, but I know it is mainly due to my flare and the ongoing battle to get it under control & the meds that makes me retain fluid like a sponge. I'm happy to have lost 7st so far over this past year and the improvement to other aspects of my health. No more BP meds and better blood sugar levels, especially now i've been told i have some eye damage from the times it was outta control eeekk pretty scary. Just gonna take things even slower and a lb at a time and re-evaluate my goal the closer i get.

P.S Just 2lbs to go to my century.. watch this space :)
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It's easy to feel discouraged. So l am glad you are focused on your century. Hope you get there this month.
Wishing you well for that 2lb Dee.
Seven stone is a really awesome loss Dee, you should be so proud of yourself - so try and focus on that and your century, and don't worry too much about the swings and roundabouts of the last month xx
October update:
Loss for October 2lbs :
Starting weight: 315lbs 22st7lbs 142 kg Current weight: 215lbs 15st5lbs: 97. 7kg. Total weight loss 7st 2lbs: 100lbs: 45.2kg.

Another 2lbs off last month, feels like a trend is forming due to the steroids, I've accepted that the bounces and fluid retention are here to stay as Im gonna be on them for at least a few more months, but i can work with that.
So at bloody last I'm in the century club YaY 💯lbs loss :bunnydance: :wee::stickdance::woohoo:
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Congratulations, Century Dee!!
November update:
Loss for November 5lbs :
Starting weight: 315lbs 22st7lbs 142 kg Current weight: 210lbs 15st0lbs: 95.5kg. Total weight loss 7st 7lbs: 105lbs: 47.7kg.

5lbs down in November, which is double the last couple of months YaY. I have been strict on myself food wise keeping to a reverse 5.2 plan as with xmas coming, I want to take that week off plan , not gonna go crazy but want to enjoy some xmas treats.
My Dec goal is to lose enough by the 24th, aiming for a 1lb a week, so I start off the new year under 15st and a toe in the 14st bracket.
Brilliant month, Dee. You have a sustainable routine for getting to your goal amnd staying there next year. Many congratulations.
December 2021 update and start of a new year.

Loss for December +5lbs :
Starting weight: 315lbs 22st7lbs 142 kg Current weight: 215lbs 15st5lbs: 97.7kg. Total weight loss 7st 2lbs: 100lbs:

December started well but things got crazy the last two weeks my health suddenly got worse, so had to increase the steroids, the majority of my family (Kids & grand-kids came down with Covid it was a nightmare, our family Christmas was cancelled and as i live alone i had to go into lock-down shielded mode. I just gave up and went into binge mode for the last few weeks. Thankfully they are over the worse and i can breathe a sigh of relief.
So now I'm going into post Christmas rescue mode, back on the wagon with fast 800 until i'm in the 14 stone bracket then back to reverse 5:2 till goal. The losses will be slow until my steroids reduce but i know i can still slowly lose weight while on them or at least not gain loads as i have in the past.
Going into this new year more positively by drawing a line under Dec and moving forward, but not going to change my stats as a reminder of how easily i can put on in 2 weeks what took just over a month to lose.
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Oh Dee. what a torrid time you have had. I am so sorry. I am glad the worst is past and your family are getting better. How disappointing not to have had family together over Christmas. I hope you'll be able to get together in the next few months.

You've got a good plan to reverse the Xmas lockdown gain - and that to me is the esential thing about getting major loss and sustaining healthy weights. Thank you for being an inspiration.
December 2021 update and start of a new year.

Loss for December +5lbs :
Starting weight: 315lbs 22st7lbs 142 kg Current weight: 215lbs 15st5lbs: 97.7kg. Total weight loss 7st 2lbs: 100lbs:

December started well but things got crazy the last two weeks my health suddenly got worse, so had to increase the steroids, the majority of my family (Kids & grand-kids came down with Covid it was a nightmare, our family Christmas was cancelled and as i live alone i had to go into lock-down shielded mode. I just gave up and went into binge mode for the last few weeks. Thankfully they are over the worse and i can breathe a sigh of relief.
So now I'm going into post Christmas rescue mode, back on the wagon with fast 800 until i'm in the 14 stone bracket then back to reverse 5:2 till goal. The losses will be slow until my steroids reduce but i know i can still slowly lose weight while on them or at worse not gain loads as i have in the past.
Going into this new year more positively by drawing a line under Dec and moving forward, but not going to change my stats as a reminder of how easily i can put on in 2 weeks what took just over a month to lose.
What an awful time you have had, I just got covid just a few weeks before Christmas so I was fortunate. I hope you feel better soon and the steroid therapy is having the desired effect.. You have the right idea about slowing down the weight gain from steroids. I have had them in the past and I am like the hungry caterpillar. I eat everything and anything I am dreadful on them but my use as only been a matter of weeks or in the case of the intravenous steroids a few days.
Thank you all for your support😍 Its mid month and my fast 800 low carb Xmas rescue plan is going very well with 2lbs off last week another 2lbs this week and a couple to go to creep into that 14st bracket. It will probably slow down now to the usual 1lb, a week, but i'm very pleased and luckily cutting back on those sugary carbs wasn't as painful as I feared. At this rate 🤞I will undo the Xmas damage by end of January, but im happy enough to plod along slowly, no pressure :) currently 211/15st1lbs.
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Pleased your plan is working and your seeing some good results and reducing carbohydrates wasn't as bad as feared. I seem to do better weight loss wise if I dont put myself under pressure to lose the weight. Let it come off at the pace my body feels happy with.