Didnt do a lot last night. Made chicken marinated in spices with tagliatelle pasta and roasted peppers for dinner. Had a wee can of Strongbow with it, yum. :8855:
My dad and brothers decided to have a fashion show with their suits for the wedding. They all looked really handsome all dolled up.

Only problem is a couple of the trousers need turned up by my mum!

This is on top of fixing 4 bridesmaid dresses, 2 waistcoats and hemming the bottom of the brides dress. Along with the wallpapering etc... that I mentioned yesterday! Talk about lastminute.com!!!
Gonna be a hectic couple of weeks now. I bought a dress of ebay last week for the premiere of SATC2 which is happening in our local cinema. They are raising money for breast cancer and tickets were £10 which includes watching the movie, free cosmos, free pink champagne, free pink popcorn, pink candy floss, goody bags, great prizes including a helicopter ride for best dressed lady etc. etc.

I cant wait, gonna be a great night out! So gotta keep my syns low for the rest of the week to enjoy the cosmos