Had good day yesterday although this darn headache wont shift! Think its the weather, its quite clammy and dull outside! :sigh:
Got home from work yesterday and made a lovely dinner. Bought some yellow fin sole in asda the other night so I put it in some foil with soy sauce, chilli, garlic and some peppers and cooked it along with a baked potato. When it was finished I sprinkled with some l/f cheese. Yum, yum, yummy, yum!
Then I had a nice wee relaxing night, bath, book then bed! :zz:
I take my boyfriend to work every morning. Now on Sunday night he did something which really upset me so he is very much in the bad books. I wouldnt even take him to work on Monday or Tuesday :snooty:
So this morning he text to ask me if I would take him up so I relented :d'oh:
He went into the shop and came out with a chomp and a freddo bar for me!

I says to him if you think you can get round me this easily, esp with me on sw, you've another think coming!

So I told him to take the freddo bar away and left the chomp. I think its 5.5 syns so ill have it as a wee treat later! And still continue to make him suffer!:sign0151: