Hey, found you at last! Popping in to subscribe x
Hey! Welcome! All advice welcome lol x
Had a bad food day yesterday so I think I need the advice right now lol! Had a complete meltdown and stuffed myself with crisps!
How are you getting on? x
Awk no hun, that's wick! But sure its only one day. Loads of superfree to counteract it lol. Everything ok? Or just your average bad day?!? Lol x
Im doing well. Haven't broken my diet since the new year but im planning to break it next Friday for my birthday. And when i say break it i mean it lol. Mojitos for breakfast, all u can eat buffet for lunch, out for dinner and more Mojitos and then out that night for more shots and vodka lol. And maybe a wee burger on the way home lol. Oh and loads of chocolate and crisps throughout the day;-) lol xx
Mojitos should be a major food group in my opinion! I had a big cocktail blow out a couple of weeks ago and mojitos may have been involved If you're doing it as a one off then there's nowt wrong with it! And especially as you've been on plan since the new year - that's brilliant! x
Thank u! Ha ha, was just over on your diary lol. Im really looking forward to a blow out! Gonna be amazing lol. Although after what i ate tonight don't really feel i need to break my diet lol xx
Oh and Mojitos have recently been made a major necessary food group. Didn't you get the memo?? Lol x
pastagirl said:Thanks! I know ill die on sat but i don't care lol. Gonna be sooo worth it and a massive food and drink Hangover on sat might just mean 2 days off plan! Hope it doesn't affect me too much but i can't resist lol x