Becktoria's simply filling food diary

Becktoria79 said:
Yeah I miss Indians! I last had one in November! They are more than your weeklies if you double EOG. I reckon they should put a portion size down for takeaways. I'm not worried as its so close to WI and I doubt it'll affect my loss too much. X

I deff agree, how difficult would it be to add a portion size to the book! Last time I had one was b4 Xmas as I started Ww in jan, can't remember when it was tho!! I have decided that I will have one on my b-day (not till June 30th) but will go to the restaurant as a treat, within pp tho! Then least I know im eating the right pp, I may even take a piccie of the portion size for future reference, I know it's a long time from now but gives me something to look forward to!
That's a shame they are so high I'll stick to making my own don't fancy using all my weeklies for one curry! :-( x
Yeah, I'm quite looking forward to it now!

So this wk is gonna b mostly pp days, I've ordered my shopping this wk and made a plan for my next 4 days of food! Meaning I will only have 1 sf day this wk, the reason is I'm eating a bit too much and want to see if I can get a better loss on a pp week! My sf day yesterday was also good as I didn't eat too much!
I hope it's not gonna b too hard, when previously doing pp I struggled as was hungry all the time and just saved my pp for choc but after doing sf I've been used to having ice creams as snacks at 3-4pp so I'm not feeling the need to save pp for the choc, if that makes sense?
I have got some different foods also this wk which will b a nice change to the sf foods, mix things up a bit! And I have planned all my days with a treat included in my 26pp so have lots of weeklies spare which feels promising!

Will put today's food up in a bit, when I can b asked to get off the sofa to get my book, cats just sat on me too so could b a while (I tend to not wanna get up and disturb her)
Always good to shake things up a bit. I think you're in the right place to use your points wisely SF helps you to make good meal choices.

My day has been ok.

Day 7 28pp

B- alpen porridge-4pp
Soya milk light-1pp
Blueberries -0pp

S- banana and berries smoothie-2pp

L- petit pains-6pp
Bacon medallions-2pp
Barbecue sauce-1pp

T- Thai carrot soup-3pp
Petit pain-3pp

S- crumpets-5pp
Flora ex light-1pp

Exercise- 50mins gym -3po

4weeklies left
Total activity earned this week-12pp

Maybe a bit too much bread. Glad it's new week tomorrow. X
Sorry I thought I posted that on my thread, may copy and paste!

Ur day sounds like a very good day, BBQ sauce sounds good on ur dinner, can't remember when I had that last! That's another thing I find with sf that I eat lots of bread, I do wonder if it effects my losses, them damn petit pains so nice! Also I've found a new fav, toasted bagel with butter... Lush!
I like BBQ sauce so much more than tomato sauce.

Today been quite hard, I was sick 3 times first thing this morning and felt really nauseaus, couldn't keep anything down and felt sick looking at food. This passed by 10:30 am and ate a slice of toast and some crumpets. I had soup and a roll for lunch but really wanted something more substantial so managed to get a ww hotpotand was craving sugar so got a niutrigrain bar too. I'm at WI in an hour and hungry and getting a bit nauseaus again don't really want to eat before I get weighed but don't want to be sick again. I'm gonna try to stave it off. I'm trying to be good but not gonna be too strict with points tonight. I only have healthy food in the house so if I feel I need to eat I'm going with it. As long as I don't go crazy I should be ok.
It's the 2nd time in 5 weeks this has happened in a morning, I think it's something to do with lack of sleep but don't understand. I think I may go see a dr cos it is something I do get occasionally and it's horrible. X really want some good news at WI as I've been good I think this week. X
R u sure ur not pregnant beck? I was only sick once when pregnant so just because ur not being sick every day doesn't mean u couldn't be?

This could be the reason y u keep wondering off plan, cravings?

Good luck for wi
U have been good this wk so fingers crossed for u!
Well I'm on the pill and have no other symptoms ,had a period last week but it was very light. I'd be very surprised if I was. I am thinking of doing a test just cos if go to drs it will prob be first thing they ask me! I went through a spell of really bad lightheaded ness and exhaustion last year and they sent me home to do a pregnancy test before they would take blood samples.

I lost 1 and 1/2lb. Quite pleased with that but felt like I worked hard and deserved a bit more! Still im back in the 10's and its going the right way, just hate how quick it goes on and how slow it comes off! Haha! Cutting out choc completely this week. Also gonna try the C25k on treadmill at gym this week. X
Becktoria79 said:
Well I'm on the pill and have no other symptoms ,had a period last week but it was very light. I'd be very surprised if I was. I am thinking of doing a test just cos if go to drs it will prob be first thing they ask me! I went through a spell of really bad lightheaded ness and exhaustion last year and they sent me home to do a pregnancy test before they would take blood samples.

I lost 1 and 1/2lb. Quite pleased with that but felt like I worked hard and deserved a bit more! Still im back in the 10's and its going the right way, just hate how quick it goes on and how slow it comes off! Haha! Cutting out choc completely this week. Also gonna try the C25k on treadmill at gym this week. X

Yeah I would have thought ur not if ur on pill and had periods but ppl do still get pregnant when on pill!
Well done on ur loss, as ppl say to me 1.5 is a good loss but when u have done well u can't help but get disappointed when u only get 1.5! Maybe with being sick ur body is holding fluid (dont no if it does when sick but it would make sense)
Nah 1.5 is good enough if I can keep that up next few weeks I'll be happy. Got wedding June 9th and I'd like to be 10st 7 by then. I have no crazy social plans from now until then that will hinder my progress only myself! I'm my own worst sabateur! X
Well done on the loss. I think 1 1/5 lbs is a fab loss in a week . Hope whatever is making your feel sick is sorted out or goes away.
Well done on the loss and hope u feel better soon! X
Thanks guys, I'm sure I'll be fine, I think a lot of it has to do with tiredness, doing a lot of stuff with the house which is taking up my weekends, trying to be good at gym and work is all quite taking its toll. I've just had a bath and then off to write my journal and plan for the week. I'm writing off today as feeling a bit out of sorts. I've eaten a huge tea and my tummy is still growling! I'm not fancying anything though so just gonna have a cup of peppermint and nettle tea and hit the hay! Although maybe not as I'll prob be up peeing all night with that! Oh. Night guys. X
I hope u feel better in the morning beck, have a nice sleep!
Becktoria79 said:
Nah 1.5 is good enough if I can keep that up next few weeks I'll be happy. Got wedding June 9th and I'd like to be 10st 7 by then. I have no crazy social plans from now until then that will hinder my progress only myself! I'm my own worst sabateur! X

Fab loss! And good luck reaching wedding target!
Good morning! Feeling better today, no sickness this morning, thank goodness, sets me up for the day rotten.
Starting as day 1 again properly as know I wasn't very terrible yesterday but pointing didn't really happen due to feeling crap. So will start again today. Gonna stick with 28pp for my pp days, it's much more realistic for me to achieve than 26. If I feel I need to I'll reduce it to 27 then 26. I'm gonna aim for more sf days this week and to fill in my journal properly. Hope everyone has a good day. Xx
Good morning! Feeling better today, no sickness this morning, thank goodness, sets me up for the day rotten.
Starting as day 1 again properly as know I wasn't very terrible yesterday but pointing didn't really happen due to feeling crap. So will start again today. Gonna stick with 28pp for my pp days, it's much more realistic for me to achieve than 26. If I feel I need to I'll reduce it to 27 then 26. I'm gonna aim for more sf days this week and to fill in my journal properly. Hope everyone has a good day. Xx

Hi Becks, well done on your loss! That's brilliant! :D And back in the 10s! Wahoooo!
Was yesterday day one for you then really? You sound really focused today and I'm glad you don't feel sick. It's funny, I've woken a couple of mornings feeling queasy and I've wretched a few times but not actually sick (although, I would have nothing to sick up!). It's not happened for a few weeks now though. I'm glad you're feeling a lot better though. xxx