Becktoria's simply filling food diary

I've not heard of that one! We should start a thread on how people eat their meals!

Feel oh so awful today. Woke up at 4:15 and could not get back to sleep again despite desperately trying. I feel so grouchy for this! I'm a girl who needs my sleep and whilst I've got no kids I really begrudge not getting it! X
How's the no pointing going beck?
Think I'm gonna have to start pointing again. I forgot I'd eaten 3 shortie biscuits and some almonds yesterday. Not good. If I'm not tracking I eat without thinking! Also Appetite very weird this morning. Don't want the meals I've planned. Turning my nose up at my usual breakfasts so having nothing then a crumpet when I get to work but that doesn't feel healthy. X
Can u not just write everything down without pointing then during the day u can at least see what uve had then u can look at the list b4 eating something an make the choice of wether u really should eat that thing or not! Just means u still don't have to worry about points!
I know what you mean sometimes I want to just merge my favourite parts of sw and sf to make some sort of general healthy eating plan and stick with that but I find that I just do not have the restraint to control snacking without writing it down. If I could just master that then it would totally be possible but it's all too easy for me to sneak in a biscuit or 5 and forget all about them :-(

Glad someone else does food ratios lol I never really thought about it always did it subconsciously until I was explaining to someone what I was doing lol!! X
I am a save the best bit til last person. And I think I even unconsciously thought I was being good doing this due to eating my vegetables first! Clearly parents are to blame for this with the way they encourage kids to eat something they don't like before getting rewarded with something they do.

I would be intrigued to see if not pointing worked for me, I kind of think I might eat less "bad" stuff because I could assess it against actual appetetite and need rather than someone else's rules. This is of course in my head, in reality I might end with a body composition of 90% stilton and 10% pineapple...
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I think it's a great experiment what you're doing this week Beck, but remember that it's only the first few the days go on maybe you'll become better at reading your appetite and making healthier choices, none of us are brilliant at the very start of a new diet, we have to learn how to do it. I do agree with IRC though, maybe writing down what you eat might be a good half-way between counting and not counting. You're doing really well anyway so don't get yourself down about it :)
I think Ella Belle's point is a good one about it only being a few days. Not pointing stuff at the beginning its going to feel like everything is fair game so I reckon you are boung to be a bit subconsciously rebellious and eat things you wouldn't usually but that might well settle down after the first few days or week. I guess it depends whether you want to stick it out that long to see if the changes happens.
I'll be honest guys I'm really struggling. I am really not wanting proper meals. Yesterday for instance my first 2 main meals totalled 3 crumpets altogether and fruit. For tea I had frosties. I don't know if it's cos I can't be bothered to cook or because I can't face eating big meals. It wasnt a bad day points wise- if I was pointing it would've been under 30, that's including any snacks I had( yummy fridge bake was still lurking around at school but all other snacks were fruit or almonds), but the nutrition isnt good at all. Today I am going to make myself eat proper meals and hopefully feel a bit better about it all! X
Do you prefer proper meals or do you prefer snacks through the day!?

They sometimes say lots of smaller meals are better anyway but in not sure if that's true!

I think as long as your not hungry then you can eat however you want really!

I do hope you stick to your plan today if your planning for proper meals! Get cooking girl!!!!!
I sometimes don't make time to cook, so I bulk make stuff when I do and freeze it! Then I just have to throw some veg on to go with it!
I've had time to cook, I just have not fancied anything! Just quite bland stuff and then fruit! I did have proper breakfast though! Even though I found a maggot in my blueberries- I used plum instead of blueberries! Urgh!

Generally I prefer meals. X
Becktoria79 said:
I've had time to cook, I just have not fancied anything! Just quite bland stuff and then fruit! I did have proper breakfast though! Even though I found a maggot in my blueberries- I used plum instead of blueberries! Urgh!

Generally I prefer meals. X

A maggot! That put my off for life. I had mould in a blueberry yogurt once and have never eaten one since. Won't even eat that brand...make me feel icky!
Sorry to hear you are struggling, Becktoria. Maybe see how you go with meals today and if you still don't feel like them what about cooking some snack type foods like quiche or sandwiches or coleslaw or something like that? At least that might be a compromise between the two?
It's a pity I've never found a maggot in abating of choc or a packet of that would be a real help!!!!

I hope today is a bit better for you Beck :)
Sorry ur struggling beck! Is it because ur snacking a fair bit that ur not hungry for any proper meals! U sound exactly like me on a day off! The other weekend when I had time off i was eating cereal for tea because I just wasn't hungry! Do u think u would do better if u planned ur meals for the rest if the week?
Haha Sarah I had planned all my meals for this week! I don't think it was snacking because I wasn't wanting food in the morning and I don't really snack before lunch because I just don't get the time! Had a better day today and have walked away from biscuits at work. Not sure what I'll have for tea but will think of something- meant to have home made burgers but not sure I fancy that! Thanks for your support guys! X
Becktoria79 said:
Haha Sarah I had planned all my meals for this week! I don't think it was snacking because I wasn't wanting food in the morning and I don't really snack before lunch because I just don't get the time! Had a better day today and have walked away from biscuits at work. Not sure what I'll have for tea but will think of something- meant to have home made burgers but not sure I fancy that! Thanks for your support guys! X

Ooh yummy burgers! Have that!! :) I'm glad today has been better 4 u! Well done on walking away from the biscuits
Right I'm really hungry- tummy growling hungry and yet I really don't fancy anything! Except maybe frosties! This can not continue. I've been so good today. The only thing I've snacked on between my meals other than fruit is a ww tortilla!
I need to eat something substantial that is easy to make. I think I'll rustle up some fajitas!
Fajitas are always a really yummy option! Good plan :) x