Becky's Herbalife Diary

Morning all!

Well the builder arrived at 8.30am so no sleep in for me today :'(

My plans for today and to walk the pooch, call at John's work to get some snow tyres fitted as I will be galavanting up and down the country next week and the weather doesn't look great. We also need to call at B&Q to look at solid wood flooring for the kitchen/extension as they have a 20% offer on this weekend and solid wood flooring isn't cheap! God only knows where it's going to live for the next few months but if it saves us over £100 then it will be worth it :D

My food plan for today...

9.15am Chocolate shake made with almond milk + herbal tea

11am tomato and basil soup + herbal tea

1pm Chocolate shake made with almond milk + herbal tea

3pm Vanilla almond protein bar + herbal tea (I am making up for the cups I couldn't have on Wednesday and Thursday)

6pm Possibly smoked cobbler, green beans, carrot. swede and cauliflower

Going to try and avoid wine tonight. I still don't feel 100% so I can use that as an excuse ;-)
did your tea arrive? x
Hey no worries hun!

Are you having a protein snack inbetween your shakes and evening meal? You need to eat every 2-3 hours or you'll be hungry and you need to keep your metabolism going. You need to do...

Shake + tea + tablets
Protein snack + tea
Shake + tea + tablets
Protein snack
Evening meal

It's a good idea to switch your milk to soya milk as its hard for your body to digest all that dairy

I can eat and eat believe me, I honestly never feel hungry x

What tea is this?
The bloomin biscuit tin and a large bag of kettle chips are callin my flippin name... Go away...

Bin them!!!

Flush them down the toilet!!

You do not need them!!! X
Sweetie I feel your pain! Struggling so much this eve - we can do it right!! xxx

Well I'm enjoying a bottle of red and some kettle chips, it is Saturday night after all. I feel so much better for having them.

I had 3 biccies earlier too :p

If I can't have a little of what I fancy on a Saturday night then I'm not going to last vey long am I?! Especially when I am an absolute angel through the week x
Well I'm enjoying a bottle of red and some kettle chips, it is Saturday night after all. I feel so much better for having them.

I had 3 biccies earlier too :p

If I can't have a little of what I fancy on a Saturday night then I'm not going to last vey long am I?! Especially when I am an absolute angel through the week x

Completely agree hunny good for you! If I wasn't doing this for a specific date (and it's getting pretty near now!!!) then I'd def be joining you. In fact, I don't doubt for a minute that at some point over the next few weeks I'm gonna have to have some wine and nibbles!

The main thing is to enjoy them! And have one (bottle :p) for me! xxx
Completely agree hunny good for you! If I wasn't doing this for a specific date (and it's getting pretty near now!!!) then I'd def be joining you. In fact, I don't doubt for a minute that at some point over the next few weeks I'm gonna have to have some wine and nibbles!

The main thing is to enjoy them! And have one (bottle :p) for me! xxx

Thanks lovely! I am supposed to be going on holiday on 10 weeks but I'd got myself so fed up earlier for some reason, I don't know why, I guess I don't need an excuse I am a woman after all! As long as I get back on track tomorrow I'll be a happy bunny

I was about 1 stone heavier than my target for my wedding but that said I still felt great in myself. You will get there hun as we will all be supporting you x
I am sure a treat now and then will have no major effect!! Xxxx dreaming of a bottle of red myself!!! Making do with vimto and fizzy water (today's craving) mmmmmm I wonder if I could trick my brain if I drink from a wine glass???? Xx
I am sure a treat now and then will have no major effect!! Xxxx dreaming of a bottle of red myself!!! Making do with vimto and fizzy water (today's craving) mmmmmm I wonder if I could trick my brain if I drink from a wine glass???? Xx

Give it a try immediately and let me know... I love vimto but sadly it's not a patch on a nice bottle or red!! x
Morning all! And guess what, it's day 12 :D

I thoroughly enjoyed my wine and kettle chips, it was just what I needed.

We never made it to b&q yesterday so we heading there later. It's sad when you look forward to choosing wood floor and it's the highlight of the day?!!! The builder has finished all the brick and block work and weather permitting John will be putting the roof on next Friday.

Food today...

10am chocolate and almond soya shake + herbal tea

I will update the rest later as I will be out and about. I am still down on my tea as I only managed to fit in two cups yesterday and I am still 4 down from Wednesday and Thursday!