Becky's Herbalife Diary

Thats good incentive then!! I would love to be 9 6 cos that would mean I would havw lost a total of 3.5stone but im aiming for 9 7 first x

I wonder how many weeks it will take us? I have no idea what to expect as I've never done a part meal replacement diet before x
I wonder how many weeks it will take us? I have no idea what to expect as I've never done a part meal replacement diet before x

Me neither. But 2 a week would be great for me. I have 22lbs to shed 11 weeks takes me to the end of march so that would be awesome. Then 2 month to maintain :)
how will you maintain hun? x
Me neither. But 2 a week would be great for me. I have 22lbs to shed 11 weeks takes me to the end of march so that would be awesome. Then 2 month to maintain :)

I go on holiday in 10 weeks, I never thought I'd be back at 9st 6lb for then but based on last weeks huge loss, it might be possible! x
how will you maintain hun? x

God knows. I'll work that out when I get there. I think you're supposed to swap one meal for a shake to maintain.

I really like the shakes which is why it was easy to get back on it this morning. I could always switch back to ww and point the shakes x
God knows. I'll work that out when I get there. I think you're supposed to swap one meal for a shake to maintain.

I really like the shakes which is why it was easy to get back on it this morning. I could always switch back to ww and point the shakes x

yea could do. I think when you enjoy somethin it's Half the battle. well done for getting back on it xx
God knows. I'll work that out when I get there. I think you're supposed to swap one meal for a shake to maintain.

I really like the shakes which is why it was easy to get back on it this morning. I could always switch back to ww and point the shakes x

i love the shakes too, not too sweet and tasty. i dont want to drink it all quick to get rid of it, i wanna savour it so i take ages drinking mine! the tropical one is my fave so far, havent had that one hot yet but i might try it at the weekend
I savour mine too... Don't want it to end!

I haven't tried the tropical one. Chocolate is my favourite so far x
tropical is lovely, tastes very banana-y to me. i love banana's though. at one point i hated them, did a marathon walk and the stewards kept forcing them on me. was sick of banana's for a while after that!! do love the shakes though, very yummy.

ordered more tea and protein bars off my rep. raspberry and peach tea, and peanut protein bars :D
What marathon walk did you do? I am thinking of doing one in Manchester next September called shine x

thats the one i did :) wa sok until 16 miles, then i got seriously bad pains. waddling by the finish line!
ooh, i want to do it again. we can both do the walk together if you sign up!
thats the one i did :) wa sok until 16 miles, then i got seriously bad pains. waddling by the finish line!
ooh, i want to do it again. we can both do the walk together if you sign up!

It's a small world!! I have requested an update once they release the dates for 2013

The most I've walled is 8 miles but I figured that doing the half marathon wouldn't be much of a challenge in comparison to the full one

What time did you do it in?
8 hrs 30....

its a big challenge. i couldnt walk after it, getting the bus home at 6am i seized up and couldnt move. was hobbling around for at least 3 days. id defo do it all again though, just a very emotional walk for me.
I see you're still doing amazingly! Well done. I've had a wobbly weekend but I have zero soup boiling on the hob! X
I went to the docs this am for my annual smear test and the nurse weighed me and she commented that I'd put on weight which I have compared to this time last year as I was at my target weight. Anyway, she put my weight into her computer which gave her my BMI which is 25 and she commented that I needed to keep and eye on it and lose some weight! Cheeky mare! The healthy BMI range is 20-25 so even though I am on the cusp it's not as if I am over it


Not sure if I am going down south as it's snowing heavily here... I'm hoping I dont have to go so i can stick to Herbalife as much as possible and not get tempted by a buffet lunch tomorrow in my supplier review

8am herbal tea

9.30am Cookies and cream shake with herbal tea

11.30am Tomato and basil soup

1pm Chocolate shake with chocolate milk

3pm 3 slices of roast beef

6.30pm smoked cobbler and veggies
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I've tried the vanilla and almond and the peanut one. They are nice but I think I'm bored of them so I try to have soup and tuna when I can just to break it up. Next time I get some I'm going to try the citrus lemon ones

What bugged me was last time I went for my pill I'd lost just short of 3 stone and when I got weighed the nurse never mentioned the weight loss! I was secretly gutted as I hopped that she would congratulate me!!!! A healthy BMI range is 20-25 and I am 25!

Hopefully next time I am there I will be around 21 x
No snow in Essex yet :0( was hoping we would get a good amount so we could make a snowman for Leo. He loves snowmen but hasn't seen a real one lol x