Becky's Herbalife Diary

3lbs in 2 days is awesome.

My friend said to mix the tropical one with fruit juice. She said its amazing. I dont think I would see it as a drink if I was doing it.
I've been naughty just had 2 bags of chocolate animals n a can of diet coke :( do I get straight bk on it 2 morro helpppp :( xx

Yes you do!!!! I don't know how many calories are in a bag of chocolate animals but I don't reckon that they are that bad. You need to way 3500 calories to put on 1lb in weight so they won't have even made a dint!

I had a bottle of wine and a lot of kettle chips on Saturday x
Ok back on track 2 morro me and boyfriend have had big row think we maybe finished so stupid me turned 2 food ( idiot ) xx

I dnt do herbalife but I do no the chocolate animals aren't high in points my son has them (they're gawjus) so dnt worry too much!

Really sorry t hear u n ur bf have had a fight hun! I too wud turn to food but u do right straight back on ur diet in the morning xxx
Thank you :) If anything comes from this it has 2 be my motivation 2 loose as much weight as possible bk on herbel life 2morro :)!! So 4 me 2 put on any of the weight I've lot I will have had 2 eat 3500 cal? Xx Thanx every 1 :)
I honestly can't imagine what tropical would taste like with milk/soya... It sounds wrong!!

Day 3 means your heading towards day 7 pretty soon and that will give you the momentum to leap into week 2 when you see your loss! x

its quite banana-y to me, so tastes alright with milk :D its my fave one actually
Afternoon slimjim where the bloody hell are you today?
Afternoon slimjim where the bloody hell are you today?

I am hereeeeeee!!!

Sorry for being AWOL! I had to drive down to Welwyn this morning which took 4 hours which meant I was an hour late for a meeting! Spent 3 hours in Welwyn and have just driven back home which took 3 hours so a total of 7 hours driving today... I am pooped!

Nice to know that you missed me ;-) x
I am hereeeeeee!!!

Sorry for being AWOL! I had to drive down to Welwyn this morning which took 4 hours which meant I was an hour late for a meeting! Spent 3 hours in Welwyn and have just driven back home which took 3 hours so a total of 7 hours driving today... I am pooped!

Nice to know that you missed me ;-) x

Of course i missed you! I kissed seeing your beautiful picture! :D

What a busy rubbish day!!!