Becky's Herbalife Diary

Thankyou I tried it just after I had my son in August but don't think I was in right frame off mind so done my 3 days then gave up... I have been 2 gym yesterday and 2day so feeling good.. I also go 4 an consultation next fri about a boob job :) but they told me I need 2 be at least 12 stone b4 they would do it and at minute still 14 stone so least I have something 2 aim 4 :)!!! Xxx
Hello I hope u don't mind me butting in! I just started herbel life yesterday and want 4 stone off at least I'm finding it ok ( cos my minds in it this time ) but still missing food!! I was doing slimmingworld n had lost 1 stone but put it all back on again :( still got 4 weeks of my countdown left so still going 2 go there 2 get weighed!!! I googled herbalife and this came up so hope u all don't mind I read through every 1s comments and u all r doing great and I hope I can join u all 2 encourage me pleaseeeee :) xxx

Hello hun and welcome!

The more the merrier!!

I tired Herbalife before crimbo but head just wasnt in the right space and on the 3rd day I gave in. I am on day 13 now and loving it! We didnt have a herbalife section before crimbo and I have to say it's been a real help having it which is one of the reasons why I am at day 13! x
Day 13 omg well done u and how much have u lost so far? I'm on 2nd day going 2 have home made broth 4 tea but thinking of rubbish but telling myself its become a habit more than actually wanting it xx
Day 13 omg well done u and how much have u lost so far? I'm on 2nd day going 2 have home made broth 4 tea but thinking of rubbish but telling myself its become a habit more than actually wanting it xx

I lost 9lb in my first week. I'm really enjoying it and I honestly never thought I'd say that!

Before Christmas I remember getting so upset and fed up that I was having to do a meal replacement to shift some weight but I look forward to my shakes!! x
becky, what are the cookies and cream shakes like? i like the sound of those!
becky, what are the cookies and cream shakes like? i like the sound of those!

Erm... It's nice but it's far from my favourite. It's got crunchy bits in which i sometimes end up sieving them and eating them separately!

Chocolate has to be my fav! I had it with half chocolate soya and half water today and oh, it was heaven!!! x
Erm... It's nice but it's far from my favourite. It's got crunchy bits in which i sometimes end up sieving them and eating them separately!

Chocolate has to be my fav! I had it with half chocolate soya and half water today and oh, it was heaven!!! x

crunchy bits.... :( dont like that idea! i like smooth shakes....
im not a chocolate shake fan, i only like chocolate in bars! although a hot chocolate shake would be quite nice..... x
I love the tropical ones mmmm!!! Was wundering if u notice a difference yet Becky with loosing the 9lbs xx

I haven't tried the tropical one, what do you mix it with?

I put my work trousers on yesterday and I can wear a tight fitting jumper so yes I can feel a difference. If i'd have been doing WW I certainly wouldn't have been able to wear the same jumper just 2 weeks after Christmas. I took my measurements this morning as I couldn't find my tape measure last week so I bought a new one yesterday and I have lost 4.5 inches x
Day 14 :thankyouthankyou:Who'd a thought it!!!

Not getting weighed tomorrow, I am going to hold off until Thursday so that I am back to my normal WI day :D

I might and I say might as it depends on work, get out for two decent dog walks today.. Poor Alfie! :giggle:

Plan today..

8.15am Chocolate shake with half chocolate soya and half water mmmmmmmmm! + 2 x herbal tea

10.30am Tomato and basil soup + tea

1pm Chocolate shake with half chocolate soya and half water + herbal tea

3pm 3 slices of roast beef

6.30pm Chargrilled chicken with Mediterranean veg
Fraid I'm a vanilla girl only :) and the peanut bars. I have tried the other bars but the lemon one is odd. A strange aftertaste.

You lot can't half talk. I go to work for a day and there's about 10 pages to try and read!!! :)

I've got to drive to hillingdon today. We've got loads of snow in Lincoln and I was supposed to go down at 4 am tomorrow but decided I couldn't risk the country lanes at that time :( so I've booked a hotel. Will be taking food with me though

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I mix it with skimmed milk but may swap it 4 soya I also put my herbel tea in the shake Cos I don't like taste lol!!! U have done amazing well done :) I can't believe I've made it 2 day 3 but it will be amazing when I get as far as u!!! Xx
Fraid I'm a vanilla girl only :) and the peanut bars. I have tried the other bars but the lemon one is odd. A strange aftertaste.

You lot can't half talk. I go to work for a day and there's about 10 pages to try and read!!! :)

I've got to drive to hillingdon today. We've got loads of snow in Lincoln and I was supposed to go down at 4 am tomorrow but decided I couldn't risk the country lanes at that time :( so I've booked a hotel. Will be taking food with me though

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It's good to talk ;-) !!

I have some very good friends that own a pub in East Drayton and live on the marina in Lincoln and they said that her and her husband sent their staff home yesterday as they outnumbered the customers 2-1 yesterday!

Be careful on those roads x
I mix it with skimmed milk but may swap it 4 soya I also put my herbel tea in the shake Cos I don't like taste lol!!! U have done amazing well done :) I can't believe I've made it 2 day 3 but it will be amazing when I get as far as u!!! Xx

I honestly can't imagine what tropical would taste like with milk/soya... It sounds wrong!!

Day 3 means your heading towards day 7 pretty soon and that will give you the momentum to leap into week 2 when you see your loss! x
Don't knock it till uve tried it lol!!! It's the only 1 u like when I smelt it I thought ugghhh but wow it's lovely! Well after 2 days u weighed myself this morning and already lost 3lbs :) xx
Don't knock it till uve tried it lol!!! It's the only 1 u like when I smelt it I thought ugghhh but wow it's lovely! Well after 2 days u weighed myself this morning and already lost 3lbs :) xx

I'll reserve judgement for now ;-)

3lbs in days, you could be on for a whopper of a loss ;-) wooo hooo! x