Not been on in a few days cos work has been total rubbish (I could think of better words than rubbish which would be more fitting, but I thought I'd be polite). However I have refused to let that make me fall off the wagon. However bad the first half a week of work was, the second half was worse. Anyhow - what is the best way to put a smile on your face after a rubbish week? (apart from wine)......
3lb off!!!!!! 
Soooo made up this morning!! And I've had pudding nearly every day in the form of meringue nests, squirty cream and raspberries.
I've got the slimming world social team coming round for tea tonight (myself and my mum - we do laptop and scales in 1st session, our sw consultant and 2 other ladies that do the laptop and the scales in the 2nd session). We do a boozy night every few months or so. Tonight is curry night. My mum is doing her AMAZING madras and is going to try out a bhuna for the first time. I'm doing korma and garlic naan breads. And we'll all be doing wine! Hic...
Trying my korma a bit differently - trying to do it syn free. This means no low fat coconut milk. I've got that in just in case batch one doesn't work out - if it's horrid I'll make it normally. I've got coconut flavouring so let's wait and see...
I'm exactly 15 stone now. Next week come hell or high water I am bloody well getting into the 14s. I think I may cry. The scales hovered on them this morning and then decided to settle on 15. Not bothered cos 3lb is super amazing for me and only happens every blue moon.
If I remember I'll put some curry pictures on later. I'm tweaking my recipe - no idea how it will turn out.