Silver Member
Gonna try my best today. I left my shaker in Derby n that kinda messed me up. I got one now so it should b okay
here's to a good day ppl. Xx
Thanks. Completely off plan. Dad taken turn 4 worse. Mom still in hospital. Gonna try not to stress bout diet too much. Will restart when back in derby n face the pain of ketosis all over again.
Hey guys.
Sorry I have been absent. Things are much much better now. Was completely off diet and got weighed today.
found out I have put on a grand total of 1lbs.
I am absolutely over the moon. I really thought that it was a heck of alot more.
I feel much more determined now. Meeting my consultant tomoz to carry on my journey. I really wanna loose a clear majority of my weight by Xmas this year. I have 7 stone 13lbs to loose and I believe I can do it.
According to consultant scales i have lost 1lbs since she last weighed me n not put on a pound. I'm so happy
Would really love at least 5 gone
Fell off the wagon in spectacular style.had a Jamaica takeaway last night. Finished it off this morning. Then headed to in laws. Had my bar but felt stupid having it as I was off plan
THEN had a jacket potato with butter n cheese wit a chicken salad an a piece of bacon. Then. 7 chocolate fingers viciously attacked me. Just before a snickers bar threatened my throat. Yes I have drank alot of water but just can't seem to see me loosing anymore weight ATM. I'm prolly wallowing in self pity. But feel like beating myself up at the moment as well. I kno all I have to do is fix up n have the products I have paid for.
Why can't I stick to it. I feel silly restarting over n over again.
Mrs Martha....Shouldn't u be sunning urself lol..
I know what ur saying but its the fact that atm I just cant stop. Plus currently going thru absolute hell with partner n food has become a comfort. I dunno man. My head is just super messed up atm.