Was super good yesterday and still put on a pound. 224.4 again. grr. but whatever. TOTM is creeping up on me..really, any time from about 2 weeks before it starts...I have been known to have the bloat and other symptoms. So Im not going to stress. Im gonna keep going...sticking to plan 100% and not weigh until friday...just to check in.
Its gloriously sunny today. I just wish it was a bit warmer. Still..the sunshine greatly increases my mood so Im happy with that.
I ordered a 28 day simplicity plus bundle from S&S yesterday (thats the 5packs a day...just cuz its better value. lol. im only having 4 a day) and I ended up just getting banana porridge and bars. Im in the mood to just do mainly pancakes again.

So my order is coming today. yay! I made a lot of pancakes (exante ones...i need to get through them so im just on s&s again). I ate one and put the other in the fridge for later on.

I wanna get out for a walk today so I hope they text me with the time my delivery will come, soon!
sadly I had to pack in my plank challenge...for now. Im going to resume it...maybe next month. I pulled something in my back and then it went away with a couple of rest days. Then I did the plank again..and hurt it again. So Im going to lay off for a bit and switch to the squat challenge for now.
have a good day everyone.