Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Yes i'm about 20 mins away :) I've never been to the pavilion there but would if I was a tourist if that makes sense, keep meaning to but never get round to it. I did go ice skating there when it had the rink last Christmas and that was lovely. A wander through the lanes and the north laine compulsory :) :) so nice on a sunny day when people sitting outside restaurants etc. I also always want to have a fancy afternoon tea at the grand but have never got round to that either...but you could do that anywhere I guess :)

ive always wanted to go to brighton too. i should come visit you. lol

Omg do!! Go to Brighton before you go back to states and we'll come over and meet you!! That would be awesome!! :)
hahah i so wish. but alas...we have to make 2 trips to london this year (well...all of us will make one...and possibly just mal with male the second) to sort our visa spare funds will be NIL. ugh.

stroller is here and i love it. :) yay! gonna go for a walk in an hour and test it out! wooosh!
hahah i so wish. but alas...we have to make 2 trips to london this year (well...all of us will make one...and possibly just mal with male the second) to sort our visa spare funds will be NIL. ugh.

stroller is here and i love it. :) yay! gonna go for a walk in an hour and test it out! wooosh!

Someone just posted about buying train tickets 12 weeks in advance being a great deal.

Photo of new wheels, please! It's a nice day here -- I took the dog on a long walk. I hope it's nice there.
Im quite pleased with how Ive done today. I stuck to plan other than an extra egg...but...then i checked MFP and I had actually counted 3 eggs. So it wasnt extra. haha. yay!

spag bol is soaking (nothing worse than crunchy pasta. ew ew ew) and will have that in a bit. then my bar around 7. :D that'll be me done for the day!
Ugh. Early night but cant get to sleep. Mainly just in bed now to stop me from eating :(

Gonna try 3 packs and a few eggs tomorrow. Maybe as an omelette with a dlice of cheese. Thats what i did the week i lost 5lbs. Lol. And...i wasnt hungry that week either! Worth a shot!
Always worth replicating a successful week :) I had to laugh when you thought you'd had one egg too the egg police haha!!

Omg definitely let me know when you'll be in London!!!! Whoop!!

I'm in bed too now was supposed to do some overtime tonight but have bunked it and am going to get up at half five to do it instead for two hours before work :) i'm a morning person anyway. And i'm reading 'in cold blood' by Truman Capote and it's fricking awesome so I want to read that tonight :)

Hope you get to sleep soon. Well done for another successful day :) you are succeeding in flipping off totm :)

Evening B -- you're omelette idea sounds good. You don't want to get bored. I made it -- 656 calories. A little higher than I wanted, but I received 109 calories of fitness credit from my Fitbit because of my long dog walk. ;)

Always worth replicating a successful week :) I had to laugh when you thought you'd had one egg too the egg police haha!!

Omg definitely let me know when you'll be in London!!!! Whoop!!

I'm in bed too now was supposed to do some overtime tonight but have bunked it and am going to get up at half five to do it instead for two hours before work :) i'm a morning person anyway. And i'm reading 'in cold blood' by Truman Capote and it's fricking awesome so I want to read that tonight :)

Hope you get to sleep soon. Well done for another successful day :) you are succeeding in flipping off totm :)

That is a chilling book -- and the fact that it really happened.
omg you guys. its 4:12am. i finally got to sleep just after 11pm. and zoe decided to wake up at 1:30 - and shes STILL fkn AWAKE. I finally gave in and got up with her. this is so shitty. ive been fighting and trying to settle her for hourssss and im so so tired :( she's almost 2. I never had this problem with tabby *sniff* once she started sleeping through the night...she always did..unless she was teething or ill. *cry* zoe hates me.

im so tired.

Finally went back to bed for an hour. So ended up with about 3.5 hours of sleep total. Booo

223.2 today. And...Ive woken up with a very dodgy stomach. Im burpy and Ive been to the loo no less than 3 times since I woke up about 25 mins ago! :( Ew Ew. I feel nauseated but I guess thats better than starving all day. lol. Maybe today will be easier...dietwise!? LOL!

Im exhausted and sleep deprived, have poopy evil death tummy and its cloudy today. BOOOOO!

I just hope I feel better by the time hair appointment comes along later!

omg you guys. its 4:12am. i finally got to sleep just after 11pm. and zoe decided to wake up at 1:30 - and shes STILL fkn AWAKE. I finally gave in and got up with her. this is so shitty. ive been fighting and trying to settle her for hourssss and im so so tired :( she's almost 2. I never had this problem with tabby *sniff* once she started sleeping through the night...she always did..unless she was teething or ill. *cry* zoe hates me.

im so tired.

Maybe cutting her nap out -- or making it shorter would help. Some children need less sleep.

Sorry you have a yucky tummy. Do you think Zoe felt poorly and that's why she was awake?

Also, have you tried giving her a warm lavender bath and some milk before bed?

Not that I recommend this -- but I had one friend who'd give her son a tsp of Dramamine to help him sleep.
She only slept for 45 mins yesterday. She usually sleeps for about 2 I dont think that was it. She didnt want her dinner or her bedtime milk so I think something was up but not sure what. Maybe teething. Maybe tummy...but she hasnt pooped or exhibited other signs of tummy troubles. And she's eating her banana now quite happily. Who knows! eeek. I would never medicate my child to make them sleep! lol.

my tummy is really not cool. im over feeling poopy now. lol. it would be one thing if mal was home and i could just go lay down...but as i rather not have this today..please! haha. i feel almost ok. but not quite. and i just went to the loo...again!! yuuuuckkkk. at least i definitely have zero appetite now though. i cant even bear the thought of water tbh.
:( oh no bad tum :/ sounds likely that Zoe feeling a bit off too hopefully she'll want a nap later and you can put a movie on for tabby or something in the bedroom and all snuggle up xxx

At last you won't be starving, you're right that is one silver lining for your big black cloud :)

Hope you feel better and you are able to get some rest xxx
thanks honey. that was what i was planning too. a nap in about an hour or so with zoe and just put cartoons on, on netflix for tabby is she isnt tired.

really should sip some water but i havent spewed yet and im scared it might make me. lol uuugggghhh
It does sound like a bug, poor you.

I was not only shocked she did this (the Benedryl) but that she told me!
yeah. ive known parents who have given their kids benadryl so they will sleep on a flight. scares the crap outta me. i can kinda see calpol if the child is crying during the flight because they might have ear pain...and not be able to tell you....but anything more than that is a definite no-go in my book.
so ive had a few sips of water and it made me feel worse. but im starting to feel woosy and weak so im gonna try to get a pancake down me and see how i get on. the idea itself makes me wanna hurl. but i cant risk getting worse and having a funny turn on top of this tummy thing. not when im alone with the girls. normally i would try dry toast but i dont want to undo any progress ive made towards ketosis :( ugh. this suuuucks. lol
and then...nap.