WI day - 222.6 - i'll take it! Not sure how accurate it is as I was so ill day before yesterday but...its fine! thats 2lbs off for the week. I might actually make my mini mini goal of being under 220 by the expat dinner on friday. So long as I dont have any straggler lbs that are waiting to go back on. i woulda thought that if they were gonna they wouldve by now...esp after what I ate yesterday. Heres a not completely comprehensive list....because after a point I just stopped caring and keeping track. lol :
at least 3 pieces of baklava
a huge plate of quorn with veggies in a tomato/cheese sauce.
2 crumpets
at least 4 ritz
1 packet of quavers and 1/2 packet of french fries
at least 4 chunky chips from the indians...possibly more like 6...hmm :/
a handful of those twix mini bite things.
a few of the mars mini bites things.
see? not great. hahaha
Today Im back on plan. Feeling great. Lovely sunshiney day. Love my hair (not the cut still but the colour makes it much more bearable) I would highly recommend colour b4 if you ever want to change/strip your hair colour. its amazing stuff, you guys. seriously. love love.
anyway. so today im gonna try to get us out for a walk. Zoe barfed up her dinner last night. But..she's one of those kids that sometimes just randomly pukes. So when she does it (unless she's clearly ill...fever etc) you kinda dont know what to expect. So we tend to get towels ready and just keep an eye on her and hope for the best. haha. that was the scenario last night. she puked around 8. and soon as she threw up...and was cleaned up...she started tearing asssss around the house. happy as larry as though nothing untoward had happened! haha. so around 9 we gave her a bottle of milk (she always has one before bed) and kept an eye on her. we gave it to her before putting her in the bed because im terribly lazy and was hoping that if she was gonna barf...she would do it by 9:30 and then i wouldnt have a bed to clean up as well as her and where ever she barfed. haha. She didnt! So at 9:30 we headed to bed and she slept though the night like a dream.
I actually feel refreshed today! I feel great! and she seems fine! although Im still a little apprehensive. I gave her a bottle of milk (i hope she goes off bottles at 2 like her sister. im so tired of them damned things! haha) and a jaffa cake and a half a banana this morning. I know..not the most nutritious breakfast. But i figured she would actually eat them and then I could test the waters, so to speak. So far so good.
So today. Provided she's ok...we are going to try to get out for a walk. The shopping is being delivered between 9:30 and 10:30 - so maybe after lunch we will head out. I hope its still sunny by then!
Food today for me:
banofee pancakes (i dunno if its just me...but these make really awkward pancakes. they stick to the freakin pan. and if you make the pan too hot to start with..they burn! argh the flavour!)
spag bol
coconut bar
2 egg omelette with 1 light cheese slice
and i must get my water down today. im going to aim for 3L a day. I was having 4L but i was actually feeling bloated and bleurgh. And I got CANS of coke zero so that I dont have too much. It was too easy to just have a little through the day when I had the bottle in the fridge. So i will have ONE can a day and thats it.
220....Im coming for ya...

Have a great day all xx
And Lou....Happy birthday to L! <3 xx