Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!


Havent been on plan today. but havent gone completely off the rails either. its so hard when hubby is home :/

i had a small greek salad - feta, olives, cherry tomatoes cucumber and mixed leaves. and 2 scrambled eggs with half a slice of dairylea light mixed in. i also had 2 small pieces of baklava. :/ fail. lol. im having some quorn and veggies for dinner. and we are supposed to be out tomorrow. going to the metro centre to return my jeans from evans. zoe is fine but tabby is sounding hoarse and a bit grumpy. not sure if she's coming down with a cold or not. we shall have to keep an eye on her and see how she is in the morning. if shes not well, hubby will stay home with her tomorrow. 7

trying to wade through the visa requirements is really causing me an actual headache. since i cant prove that i can support hubby (and ensure he wont be dependent on the state) we had planned to use my best friend (computer programmer...makes bank) as joint sponsor. but the requirements and form is stuff is all so confusing. :/

The visa stuff is a nightmare - I've known several people to go through the process.

We're actually in the process of renewing DD's passport. I have to get her an appointment for photos, then once that's fine an appointment for processing. And, we're lucky the military because the base where DH works has its own passport office. We can do it there -- as both parents have to be present for children under 16.
been offy-onny for a couple days...until yesterday. tuesday wi - 226.4 (yikes). yesterday wi 225.6 (yikes, but how did i lose a lb eating doritos??? lol) and today, after day 1 properly back on plan - 222.4. fkn sick the im doing this. and as im so ill...dont care about food anyway. perfect chance.

might cancel on expat dinner tomorrow night if tabs and i arent significantly better. ugh
Sorry you're unwell. Doritos are the new diet food! Score!

I was discussing Fritos Scoops with an ex-Pat last night. Funny things people miss.
Hahaha. Doritos? What doritos?

218.8 today! bow-chicka-wow-wowwwwww. lol

I said I wanted to be 220 by the expat dinner tonight and despite my naughty antics, Ive smashed that.

Im stunned and, of course, so thrilled. Even if it skips back up a bit by WI...its the first under 220 Ive ever actually seen (the exception being 191lbs when I was 15 :/) so. yaaaay!

Im back...needless to say! Im still pretty unwell. I think the antibiotics are doing SFA. But this is by no means the worst chest infection Ive ever had. And I have had so so many. Seriously. I get at least 2 a year...esp since moving here. lol. Its the moisture.

Anyway. I woke up this morning with suuuch a sore throat. Omg. lol. I really want to go tonight...because its likely the last time I will go to one...and a lot of the ladies there, I wont see again. One, in particular, I love sweet. But she's just got her hubby's visa approved so they have to move back home by May! Deffo wont see her again if i dont go tonight. So my question it inconsiderate/bad of me to attend when Im a bit unwell (and might spread the germs?! I dont think Im still contagious...but who knows?! Im pretty sure its viral) even if i DO feel up to it? Or no? Should I go...or should I be more considerate and NOT go? Honest opinions! :)

Have a great day today all :D

Oh and if i go...Im having a mini-cheat.

Chicken parm but instead of the pasta, Im going to ask for salad on the side. So the chicken is still breaded and slatehred in sauce and cheese (omg drool) but I will be limiting carb intake by not having the pasta. Win! (ok cheat....but a semi-win cheat? ;D )

hmm. so what do you guys think?
Aww hiya kate!

Thanks! yeah..Im leaning towards going. I just know how much I hate hate when sick people come around me. hahhaa. Like...YOU KNOW YOURE ILL!!! DONT SHARE THE GERMS! but...maybe thats because I dont often just get a cold. It always turns into this bog ordeal and chesty thing, with me. :/ lolol
I hope you went! Congrats! Fantastic loss. Good food plan.

I went. It was so nice! I ordered my chicken parm but asked for salad instead of pasta and he informed me that there was a salad bar across the restaurant and into another room/bit. The place is kinda an old terraced house...kinda thing. So there are lots of stairs up. And then on the middle level is the restaurant but its divided into like a few different rooms (kinda odd! lol) and then the next level up is a bar. Anyway. I totally couldnt be bothered to go to the salad bar so i just ordered it with the linguine as it came. it was massive. and so so so beautiful. omg. soooo good. and i kinda just ate. and didnt worry too much about it. i focused on the chicken much more than the pasta. but i did have pasta as well. it was a massive portion though and i got through about half of it. the poor waiter came over and asked if it was ok or if there was something wrong with it! haha. bless. anyway.

and before that. hubby had come home with chip shop stuff for him and the girls. and as i was putting out the girls' was so so nice smelling...and it had batter on. and loads of vinegar. i love loads of vinegar. haha. so who scoffed a bit of that too? *raises hand*

Through the day I had 1 packet of porridge as pancakes and some eggs.

Oh...and my friend that i went with wanted to share a starter. so she wanted the potato skins. :/ hahah far be it from me to deprive we had one. I had 2 small skins and that was it.

so a carb-fest you could say. But I enjoyed myself. and i watched HOW MUCH of it all I ate. And i didnt bring home the left overs. etc etc. So all in all I was quite happy with the way it yummy it i handled it.

Fully expected to see a gain of at least 3 or 4lbs today.

Nope. Im down over half a lb. - 218.2

LOL. I dont get it...but its fine. Back on plan properly again today.

So far had a few eggs with a cheese slice and ive made up a packet of pancakes to put in the fridge and cool (i like them cold! lol) except i forgot the egg white! hahaha. It still worked....well enough. But I wont make that mistake again! :p

So...all in all...a v good night. :)

Really tired now though. And feel pretty run-down.

Definitely gonna have a nap in an hour or two. *yawwwnnn*

Looking forward to WI tomorrow....otherwise...this weekend we have nothing planned. Hubby and I have appointments with the nurse on Monday (me for my usual B12 injection....he's seeing her to get his vaccinations up to date prior to the medical exam portion of his visa.) and then Monday afternoon he has to go to the hospital for his usual monitoring. Otherwise...nothing! Saving money and relaxing. :D