Day 11
What a friggin day. But its overwith. We were ok by mid-day, but very tired so we had a nap (Although of course I didnt really sleep more than about 15 mins. ugh). And when we got up, we were both starving. So I just had a totally off plan day. Not crazy but not at all worried about it. And for my efforts i am now 219lbs. This is what I really despise about this diet. What I had does not merit a 5lb gain OVERNIGHT. But, whatever.
We are back to it today. I got up and had a coffee and some water. OMG I feel like SUCH an idiot for not getting a Brita jug aaages ago. Its FANTASTIC. I really love it. Ive worked out that I need to have about 7-8 of my pint - sized straw cups to equal my 4L which is fine. I can do that.
So...for a few days now I have had a niggly pulled muscle thing on my left side...up sorta near my shoulder blade, but kinda where it changes from your back to your side. that inbetweeny area. Anyway. Well, yesterday I forgot and picked Zoe up on that side and all of a sudden I felt a tearing and BURNING. You know the phrase "ring of fire" with regard to giving birth? Well..THAT but in my side. Holy. CRAP. Agony. It winded me a bit and I sat down and within about 10 mins it stopped burning but I then knew I really did myself an injury. Pretty bad. So. Ive been trying not to move my left arm too much and trying to baby that side a bit...but not so much that it will freeze up. Its a hard job. Im so tired of it always being something! Ugh
Hmm. What else? I cant think of anything else that needs to be reported (LOL) so....yeah.
2x pancake
1x chili cheese
1x 125g bag of salad
I need to get back to 215 and then back under and then to 210 already. NO MORE OBSTACLES FOR A WHILE would be nice. lol
OH! I got Tabby a few new nut butters. Well...I had hubby pick them up at Holland and Barratt. He got cashew butter, almond butter and hazelnut butter. I put cashew butter on her toast today and she didnt even notice a difference! lol I will do almond at dinner time i think. Im not going to worry about her eating for right now. I think the Universe was trying to tell me that. lol. So whatever. I will just put out 1 bit of something new at every meal and hope that eventually her curiosity will get the better of her and she will try something.
Photographer friend has taken 2 weeks (tomorrow) and I still dont have my pics back. Kinda getting impatient now. She hasnt even been in touch since like..Monday. I dont want to pester her as she only charged me £25 (i gave her £30 though because i felt like £25 was just taking the mick for the amount of time and effort she put in. she travelled out to me, etc) but really....I just want my pics now! lol. I need time to order prints when he isnt here and to plan the display.
right. off to get more water.