Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Ok. Ive ordered a Brita water jug! yay. I read the reviews on amazon and everyone LOVES them. Im excited. No more massive amounts of huge plastic bottles clogging up the recyle bin! Im so excited. lol. And it will save me money in the long run. i bought the jug and a 3 pack of filters for £20. I pay at LEAST £2.50 a week on water. more if I want to drink more than 2L a day (and i do). So now i can drink as much as i want/need to without worrying about spending more..and havbing more friggin bottles everywhere. Sounds silly but its been in issue for me. lol.

So. On to the photo thing. I was looking at them and then it dawned on me. I COULD MAKE ONE. So Ive order some jute twine stuff and some mini wooden pegs and im going to put a few nails in the wall, attach the twine...and peg the photos on. i also want to go back to the beach and get some shells/pebbles/sea glass and add those in somehow. either glue them to card and hang the card on too..or something. but yeah. :)

Im excited :)
Me too! Ive started to work on the other fathers day present...the beads i melted into shapes? yeah. im making that too. ive done some more with it and will continue tomorrow. its all artsy-craftsy in my house lately! lol.

i cant wait to get the finished pics from my friend and have the prints done. its been really hard to keep all this from but so far im managing. just!

off to get the little one down for her nap. shes happily watching wiggles and playing but she keeps yawning and i know she will drop off almost instantly once her head hits the pillow. man, i miss being able to do that! lol.

ive decided, as well, to take a very very hard line with Tabitha regarding her eating. She's TERRIBLE. She ONLY eats:

Pb or pb and jam sandwiches
Most fruits
carrot sticks
rubbish (ie, sweets, choc, cookies, cake, muffins etc - although shes even picky about some of that...)
a few cereals
pb toast

and im pretty sick of it. its not healthy and she's over 4.5 now. Plenty old enough to snap out of it. I dont care if she genuinely doesnt like something - then of course, she doesnt have to eat it - but she will not even try. i decided to make ONE lunch - half a cheese sandwich and some fruit for zoe and I told tabitha she can have a cheese sandwich. She said no. So i informed her that she will have nothing for lunch, then. She's fine so far. i expect her stubborness to last a day or two before she gets STARVING and caves. its mean. but its also partly her choice. im not witholding witholding the foods she prefers. tough sh!t kid. on top of being stupidly makes life so hard. i have to make her same dinner EVERY night. Even if mal and zoe are having the same thing. and if we go out...we can only eat at places which serve chips. and then she eats....just chips. (unless i pack her a pb sandwich to go with it!) And Im tired of enabling her to be a pain in the butt with her food. And enabling her to be unhealthy. stops now. Ive put my foot down with hubby as he babies her. If he over-rides me/undermines me or goes against waht im doing there will be hell on. If he tries to guilt me (as usual), there will be hell on. If he does anything other than just comply, there WILL BE HELL ON. :) Watch this space!
Both my sister's first born were really fussy with food. We'd ask my nephew when he would try certain things and he would say 'when I'm 8' which was a safe 4 years away. He was so fussy he would only eat one colour of pepper and cucumber as vegetables. Both are now strapping teenagers who eat a huge variety of things in enormous quantities.

I was told when I did nutrition that children wouldn't starve if you put stuff on a plate and just left it - eventually they would give in and eat - just put it down on the table leave it for a period of time then clear away. It's the parents who go through hell because it goes against all the normal nurturing instincts. I think you are right to make life easier for yourself but at least she is eating fruit and carrots. I have a theory that it is the only thing that small children have any control over so they make the most of it. Good luck!!
Yep. I think so too. its a control thing. But I refuse to give in this time. I will offer her some of whatever is for breakfast/lunch/dinner. if she agrees, i will happily give her some. if not...nada. eventually, she will have to give in. its hard to do this to her...shes only had a bowl of cereal and half a banana all day...but, every hour or so i ask her calmly "hey Tab, do you want a cheese sandwich yet? Are ya hungry?" and she says "no" - so thats where i leave it.
So, she's just requested "red rice with carrots in it". No idea where she got this idea. I have made mexican rice (pretty much the same as spanish rice) but i dont know if shes ever asked me what it was. Or taken any interest at all. Or if thats even what she means. But being that i cannot think of any other "red rice"....I have made mexican rice with chopped up carrots in it. I am 99% certain that she will not actually eat this. Even though I said "I can definitely make it for you, but do you promise to eat it?" and she said "YES!". Simply because I know my child pretty well (although ever so often she does something that really surprises me!). But as she asked for it and was quite adamant, i have obliged because..thats the point (kinda) of this entire exercise. So its kinda a step forward. Ish. lol

We'll see. :)
did she eat the red rice!! I need to know!!! haha at least she does eat fruit and carrots, it's a start! Layla is worse if she has been snacking, but on Tuesdays when she doesn't come out of school until 5.30pm she eats anything I put in front of her as she's starving

that photo washing line thing sounds absolutely adorable! I can't wait to see a pic of how it turns out!

We have 2 blank walls since we painted and I took all the pictures down and painted over the holes where the hooks were etc and I've been trying to think what to do with them. I might try to get artsy too just to be a total copycat. I have no pictures up at all on the walls in the front room. Hmmmm....*ponders* I have a cupboard full of photos all shoved in bags I think I might try to do something with some of them. I probably won't though, I haven't even put our wedding pics in a nice album that I bought on honeymoon (10 years ago!)

well done on kicking butt diet-wise today - and who are you kidding, 3lbs is awesome PAT ON THE BACK!
So. like I said...I didnt expect her to eat it.

And she didnt.


I also didnt expect her to THROW THE PLATE ON THE FLOOR.

Seriously, tonight has been horrendous. A completely nightmare. But ive not given in to her. I refuse.

That said....I fkd up my diet. I stress binged. When will I ever stop doing that?! *sigh* whatever. Its done.

I feel your pain. I have a very fussy 4.5 year old too. Think it's an age thing. I'm really hoping school in September will help, as she tends to eat a little more when she's with other children. I wouldn't mind so much but she's tiny already, so I worry when she doesn't eat and end up giving in to her. Oh and my 2 year old has launched a bowl of spaghetti bolognese at the wall in protest before.

I think stress and children come hand in hand. I know it's so hard to stick to your guns but hold in there she will give in soon. I tell my daughter that she has to try things seven separate occasions before she can say she doesn't like it. It's surprising how much more she's ventured into now I stick to that rule.

Since she likes your pancakes so much have you though about making her them for tea? We've done it a few times, I use fry light so they're not overly unhealthy. Then we experiment with fillings.

Draw a line under the binge and jump straight back onto it :)
Aww kat...we have kiddos the same age. Tabby will be 5 on the 10th of Nov and I swear sometimes its like shes 14 already :/

And Zoe just turned 2 on the 4th of this month and she eats like a DREAM compared to her sister. Tabitha isnt slight, my any means. She's VERY tall for her age (shes in size 5/6 or sometimes 6/7) and has a tiny bit of a tummy on her but nothing major. And she doesnt eat A LOT but she eats virtually all carby stuff so i know that it just sits on her. Theres almost no protein in her diet and that worries me so much. She wont eat cheese, eggs, no meat at all, nothing. Zoe eats when shes hungry and only until shes full and she will try most things. I know, with her, that if I give her something and she tries it and refuses, she most likely really doesnt like it. So I dont push it. But with Tabby, she wont even TRY things. At all. its a definitely NO and thats final. Not even a lick! And on the few occasions Ive actually gotten something into her mouth, she gags. *sigh*

Im going to put them both to bed and then try to forget about today.

I will definitely NOT back down. Breakfast, unfortunately for her, is going to be eggs on toast. This will be very interesting. Its going to be a case of "lets see if youre starving enough yet"..... it really pains me. But I have to bite the bullet and be a horrible mom for a while. It'll be better for her in the long run.
sending strength your way :vibes: once you've made the decision I guess you have to stick at it :) at least peanut butter is protein (clutching at straws!!) does she eat it on apple? does she like any other nut butters? has she tried your swede chips (I think I know the answer to that ;) my kids won't touch swede)

bless her, and it's hard for you because you want nothing more than to be able to eat the things she is refusing - HOW DARE SHE REFUSE DELICIOUS FOOD THAT YOU'D KILL TO EAT!!

Forget about the stress binge, five steps forward, one back, you're still going forward overall (clumsy metaphor there).

<3 <3 <3
you've probably tried this already but you could do a sticker chart so if she tries a mouthful of something she gets a sticker? just a teaspoon :D Really tricky as you don't want mealtimes to be do you get the balance between just letting them rule the roost and force feeding them like a little suffragette!!

Living with a very fussy (adult) eater I feel your frustration and to be honest my kids aren't that great at trying new things either, which I just can't understand as I eat EVERYTHING! You know I do haha blackbirds, snails, the lot!!

Hope she has gone to bed nicely and you get to watch some Breaking Bad tonight
Day 10


Ugh. She and I (mostly her...since 4am, and only me twice since about 5:30) both seem to have a bug. shes been sick loads...but still has a bit of an appetite. So she eats or drink a little and then barfs it. And Im...i dunno.

Anyway. Will be back properly when we are on the mend. x
Oh no rubbish. Hope your day hasn't been too vomit filled

I hope you both feel better soon
Day 11


What a friggin day. But its overwith. We were ok by mid-day, but very tired so we had a nap (Although of course I didnt really sleep more than about 15 mins. ugh). And when we got up, we were both starving. So I just had a totally off plan day. Not crazy but not at all worried about it. And for my efforts i am now 219lbs. This is what I really despise about this diet. What I had does not merit a 5lb gain OVERNIGHT. But, whatever.

We are back to it today. I got up and had a coffee and some water. OMG I feel like SUCH an idiot for not getting a Brita jug aaages ago. Its FANTASTIC. I really love it. Ive worked out that I need to have about 7-8 of my pint - sized straw cups to equal my 4L which is fine. I can do that.

So...for a few days now I have had a niggly pulled muscle thing on my left side...up sorta near my shoulder blade, but kinda where it changes from your back to your side. that inbetweeny area. Anyway. Well, yesterday I forgot and picked Zoe up on that side and all of a sudden I felt a tearing and BURNING. You know the phrase "ring of fire" with regard to giving birth? Well..THAT but in my side. Holy. CRAP. Agony. It winded me a bit and I sat down and within about 10 mins it stopped burning but I then knew I really did myself an injury. Pretty bad. So. Ive been trying not to move my left arm too much and trying to baby that side a bit...but not so much that it will freeze up. Its a hard job. Im so tired of it always being something! Ugh

Hmm. What else? I cant think of anything else that needs to be reported (LOL) so....yeah.

2x pancake
1x chili cheese
1x 125g bag of salad

I need to get back to 215 and then back under and then to 210 already. NO MORE OBSTACLES FOR A WHILE would be nice. lol

OH! I got Tabby a few new nut butters. Well...I had hubby pick them up at Holland and Barratt. He got cashew butter, almond butter and hazelnut butter. I put cashew butter on her toast today and she didnt even notice a difference! lol I will do almond at dinner time i think. Im not going to worry about her eating for right now. I think the Universe was trying to tell me that. lol. So whatever. I will just put out 1 bit of something new at every meal and hope that eventually her curiosity will get the better of her and she will try something.

Photographer friend has taken 2 weeks (tomorrow) and I still dont have my pics back. Kinda getting impatient now. She hasnt even been in touch since like..Monday. I dont want to pester her as she only charged me £25 (i gave her £30 though because i felt like £25 was just taking the mick for the amount of time and effort she put in. she travelled out to me, etc) but really....I just want my pics now! lol. I need time to order prints when he isnt here and to plan the display.

right. off to get more water. :)
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